Friday, January 31, 2014

Spiritworld III, by Chris Everard

Did the French really rid themselves of their royal family back in the 18th century?

Where does the dangerous, highly radioactive waste from all those nuclear power plants in France go?  Where is it stored?  How have “the French” dealt with this problem?

This is going to be a fascinating documentary -   SPIRITWORLD III  coming soon.

Friday, January 17, 2014

12 Years A Slave v Professor Tony Martin


'12 Years a Slave,' will I be able to stomach this film?
Apparently, '12 Years A Slave' has no references to the almost exclusively Jewish role in setting up and running the shameful business of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.  From what I gather about it, this film, instead, reinforces the deeply mistaken view that the American and Caribbean slave trade was the creation of British/European white Christian men.  This was not the case.
The film does, however, apparently contain nasty, inaccurate digs at Christianity through scenes where stereotypically bad, white "Christian" men use out-of-context quotes from the Bible to justify their wicked brutality.

For these reasons it is bound to be acclaimed and win loads of Oscars and whatnots, isn't it?  
I think I will probably give it a miss.

It is highly ironic that film, '12 Years A Slave' has been released in the UK almost one year to the very day, of Professor Tony Martin's passing away in Trinidad, in January 2013. 
During this last year, since Martin's death, someone has been very busy indeed, slandering the man, writing all sorts of pathetic rubbish about him on his Wikipedia page.  Surprise! The result is that the information on this web page is now heavily slanted in favour of Wellesley College and highly derogatory about Martin. Martin's Wikipedia page did not look like this while he was alive! As a barrister by training, he was highly litigious and would not have put up with it!
It might be a good idea to buy his books while we can.  Just like so many other writers of real history that have gone before him, I have a feeling this man and his works are on the 'Delete From history' pile!

Tony Martin was prevented from visiting London in 2003 by Ken Livingstone and Lee Jasper, at the behest of Louise Ellman MP. His responses to this ban are a delight to read.

In his response to Jasper, dated October 15, Prof. Martin said (inter alia):

"I thought that you were just another overwrought Jew who sees "antisemites" everywhere, an annoying though partly explicable phenomenon. Now, however, I discover that you are that most singular of that phenomenon, to wit a black talking head for Jewish ventriloquism. 

I wonder if anyone will ever make a biopic of Tony Martin?  Now that would be dramatic, and one film I would most certainly go to see!

 Professor Tony Martin seen here with Professor Bridget Brereton

Monday, January 13, 2014


“Germany fracking since 1955, nearly 60 years, with an 'exemplary record' on safety and the environment
Perhaps one of the more eyebrow-raising presentations at London’s 2011 Shale Gas Environmental Summit was that of Germany’s Klaus Sontgerath, head of department, Lower Saxony State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology.
In his presentation, he illustrated that Germany – one of Europe’s greenest countries - produces more onshore natural gas than any country in Europe apart from the Netherlands.
And “EMPG has been fracking the Damme 3 shale well since 2008 without incident,” he said, to many of the delegates’ surprise. His comment that there had been shale gas exploration in the country by ExxonMobil since 2008 was to the surprise of many in attendance – including shale experts and consultants alike.
Even more surprising was the revelation that in fact, Germany has been fracking since 1955 in the Schleswig-Holstein region and since 1976 in the country’s Lower Saxony region.”

I have had these examples put to me before.  I am sure they are correct.  
But we are also aware of what has happened in other countries where irresponsible fracking on the cheap has utterly ruined land and water supplies, killed livestock and wildlife, and made peole very ill, and so on, are we not?
Clearly there is a responsible approach, but also a thoroughly irresponsible approach to fracking with a bandwagon effect where every reptile-on-the-make tries to get in on the money-grubbing act!

Cameron/Clegg announcing that virtually the whole of Great Britain is up for fracking, and then offering billions in bribes - IS GOING TO ATTRACT COWBOYS AND SHYSTERS! ISN’T IT?  

OK, this French firm are being given the green light to FRACK in Lincolnshire and across the UK, in spite of the fact that France has banned ALL fracking in France altogether!

HYPOCRISY? On their part?

Or STUPIDITY? on ours?

Prime Minister David Cameron (reptile) also announced on Monday that local councils that back fracking will be able to keep all the business rates collected from shale gas extraction in the area, rather than the usual 50%.
There will also be a lump sum of £100,000 paid to councils when a test well is fracked, plus direct cash payments could be made to homeowners living near fracking sites, the PM said.
The government estimates councils would keep up to £1.7 million extra a year from each fracking site and hopes the project will help support more than 74,000 jobs and reduce bills for consumers.
There will also be a 1% levy on revenues from shale gas extractions, Energy Minister Michael Fallon added, and local councils would get up to £10 million for communities per a wellhead’s lifetime.
The minister expects 20 to 40 wells to be drilled in exploration over the next two years across the country.
In December 2013, Planning Minister and MP for Grantham and Sleaford, Nick Boles said the law would be changed to allow gas firm to put in fracking applications without sending letters to people about drilling beneath their homes.
Instead, companies would only be required to publish notices in local newspapers, put up displays in local parishes, and conduct a wider consultation.



Thursday, January 9, 2014

Concrete is spreading across Britain like slow lava....

Jonathan Fortes 450 large
by Smash Cultural Marxism

Jonathan Daniel Portes (Jewish)  is a nation wrecker in the United Kingdom who is one of the primary figures responsible for the New Labour and mass immigration saga and the deliberate demographic genocide against the British people against their known wishes by flooding the country with between 3 and 5.2 million foreigners under Blair and Brown.  
He is the director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a globalist think tank in Westminster which promotes mass immigration and was originally founded with backing from the Rockefeller Foundation.  Portes is a dual-national holding both British and American citizenship; working inside the treasury departments of both governments, he was also involved with the International Monetary Fund from 1998 to 1999.

He was a prominent adviser under the New Labour regime, associated with Gus O’Donnell and Tony Blair, promoting open borders under pseudo-"economic" rationales. Portes is a member of the Rothschild-beholden Council on Foreign Relations (a nefarious New World Order, one world government lobby) and has spent time at both Balliol College, Oxford and Princeton University in the United States where he gained a Masters Degree in Public Affairs. 
Portes is the son of Richard Portes a Rhodes Scholar, CFR member, president of the Centre for Economic Policy Research and former Secretary-General of the Royal Economic Society (1992–2008).

Portes has throughout his career advocated open borders against the United Kingdom, contrary to the will of the people and against the group interests of the native working class in particular. The result of this is moral responsibility for crimes commited by foreigners flooded into the country against the native population. - Metapedia

He also featured on a programme called 'The Truth About Immigration' typically by the BBC which in no way told the 'truth' about immigration, but as always attempted to deceive the viewer.
Portes was the individual who spoke to Tony Blair of the 'benefits' that mass immigration would bring to Britain.

We're importing the equivalent of three new Waleses in one generation....

by Daniel Hannan

For 15 years, I’ve been travelling from southern England to Brussels and Strasbourg, often by air. During that time, the view from my plane window has changed palpably. The fields and copses are in retreat; the concrete is spreading like slow lava.....

Monday, January 6, 2014

R.B.S. Royal Bank of Scum, that stole a school - JUSTICE!

The governors of an independent Sheffield girls’ school which was forced to shut suddenly are planning legal action against the Royal Bank of Scotland.

Brantwood School in Nether Edge, Sheffield closed down in February 2010 with dozens of pupils forced to find alternative schools at INCREDIBLY, CRIMINALLY short notice.
Now its former governors are planning to act in the wake of a new report which accuses R.B.S. of setting up a ‘hit squad’ to force small companies out of business in order to seize their assets.

“Then just after Christmas members of the RBS Global Restructuring Group became involved, and things started to change dramatically.”

Allegations against RBS, which is mostly owned by the Government, centre on the Global Restructuring Group. It is accused of snapping up at rock bottom prices properties and other assets belonging to previously viable companies...."


brantwood school closes in 2010.