Saturday, November 23, 2013

Petition to weed out our drugged-up MPs and CEOs.

In 2013, British reporters have found evidence of cocaine use in the cubicles of the toilets outside Strangers’ Bar and in private areas close to MPs' offices, areas of Parliament that are NOT PUBLIC.
In 2005, a German television station found traces of cocaine in 41 out of 46 MEP’s lavatories tested at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Random drug tests are carried out in Britain on our Armed Forces and failures are kicked out.  Sportsmen and women are regularly and routinely tested for illegal drug use.  Unannounced drug testing for a range of other types of employment is now becoming common.  Clearly, it is now necessary to extend this to all top government positions.
It is essential that those entrusted with the responsibility of Britain and how hard-earned taxes are spent, are clean, clear-headed, responsible and answerable at all times to we, the British people, who employ them. 
Illegal drug use in Parliament has been uncovered using cocaine indicator swabs, which are regularly used by the police and customs officers.  As Parliament’s toilets are cleaned regularly, the white powder must have been snorted in the few hours prior to the swabs being taken.  This must make us wonder as to how frequent and routinely illegal drug use has become in Westminster and the other British regional parliamentary institutions.

The British people have the right and responsibility to demand the comprehensive, compulsory drug testing of all MPs in the British Parliaments of London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all peers in the House of Lords, and representatives in all other upper chambers.
Drug testing for illegal substances should also apply to all highly positioned civil servants, third sector and civil society "leaders" who are performing a high level of responsibility in a third sector-type, public sector role, or a role that would formerly have been that of a public sector employee prior to the strengthening and growth of the third sector over the last 25 years.  
This should also include “leaders,” CEOs and managers in the private and charity sectors whose organisations have received British Government grants or tax breaks, and are therefore in a role of responsibility, and are beholden, to the British tax payer.   
This must also include all MEPs, and the entire European Parliament, and all other EU institutions.
The testing for illegal drug use should include ANYONE in charge of public money and who are therefore in positions of trust.  

Random tests must become widespread and in force at all times. Instant sacking and prosecution through the police and courts should follow for all who fail, irrespective of their position and status!

New government departments of narcotic use will need to be set up to deal with this, both in Britain and in Europe.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rev. Paul Flowers' arrogance and shame.

Former Labour councillor, Methodist minister, habitual recreational drug-user and hopeless banker, the ex-Chair of Co-op Bank, who has possibly cost this country billions, the Rev. Paul Flowers yesterday apologised for his 'stupid and wrong' actions and blamed the 'pressures of my role with the Co-op Bank.  
What a congenital liar, and how utterly pathetic!

Flowers, who is gay, also boasts of using illicit substances including ketamine, a powerful Class C tranquilliser nicknamed 'ket', along with cannabis and club drug GHB.
In one text, Flowers wrote how his plans for a party were 'turning into a two day, drug fuelled gay orgy!!!' In another, he boasted of how he was 'snorting some good stuff'. That was sent on the day he was first scheduled to appear  before the Commons committee, but the session ran out of time to hear him. And last week, he said in a text: 'I'm on ket tonight.'
Flowers has been a Methodist minister for 40 years, currently in Bradford, and formerly chaired drugs charity Lifeline, whose motto is: 'Telling the Truth About Drugs.'  In one report, Rev Flowers wrote of 'the ever-increasing problems associated with drug use faced by individuals, families and communities'.

'After hearing him bragging about his life, about his connections in Parliament, his 40 years in the church and his all-round good works, it just felt wrong,' said Mr Davies. 'He seemed to be  using his status to get young men off their heads for sex.'

'We asked him about how he kept his drug taking secret and he laughed and said that a Labour MP had passed him in the corridors and said, “Have you got a touch of the old Colombian flu?” He laughed.
'He also told us he knew Tony Blair, especially back in 1997. He just seemed to know everybody.'

We badly need comprehensive compulsory drug tests for all MPs, Senior civil servants and Directors of PLCs.  Also for all ‘leaders’ in the 3rd sector and 'civil society'!

If it is important to stamp it out in sport, 
then its ESSENTIAL to stamp it out of those who manage the general public's assets. 
There can be no argument against this except 'human rights' crap- for a bunch of total crooks. Look at this ugly, corrupt, dangerous, criminal thing:-

What a wart!

Ridicule: The Rev Flowers during the Treasury Select Committee hearing

Common Purpose In Your Locality?

Following publication of my research article 'A Government of Common Purpose' I received an email suggesting that I research an organisation named 'Locality'. This is what I discovered.

Source Documents  application/pdf iconConservative home blog.pdf


In mid November 2013, the Conservative Party decided that it should purge embarrassing material from both its main website and the Conservative Home blog site. As a result, a couple of the links in this article now link to non-existent content. We felt it appropriate to leave those links in their broken state in roder to highlight this changing of history by the Conservative Party.
A pdf version of the Conservative Home blog post which admits to Saul Alinsky as being a key influence can be found in the documents section of this article.
Upon visiting their website I recollected a series of questions posed by a concerned UK Column reader in February 2011. He wrote:
As I understand it 5,000 Community Organisers have been selected and trained, and are each to be given £20,000 for the first year. Does anybody know what the selection criteria were, who selected them, who trained them etc? Did Common Purpose have a role in any of the above? Are they all pre-existing CP graduates?
On 31st March 2010 the Conservative Home Blog (see fact box) published an article in which they wrote about new government policies which included:
  • Creating a Neighbourhood army' of 5,000 fill time, professional community organisers who will be trained with the skills they need to identify local community leaders, bring communities together, help people start their own neighbourhood groups, and give communities the help they need to take control and tackle their problems. This plan is based on the successful community organising movement established by Saul Alinski.
  • Creating a Big Society Bank, funded from unclaimed bank assets, which will leverage private sector investment to provide hundreds of millions of pounds of new finance for neighbourhood groups, charities, social enterprises and other nongovernmental bodies.

The Big Society Bank

The Big Society Bank, now re-branded as Big Society Capital, includes Geoff Mulgan amongst its membership.
Mulgan was previously Chef Executive of the Young Foundation and held various roles in the UK Government including Director of the Government's Strategy Unit and Head of Policy in the Prime Minister's Office. He was also founder and Director of the think-tank Demos.
According to William Clarke's Tainted Word, published in 2001:
Demos trustees bring together mind benders Sir Douglas Hague (former advisor to Margaret Thatcher), Martin Jacques (Co-founder of Demos, former editor of Marxism Today, the curiously anti-socialist journal) and Julia Middleton (Chief Executive of Common Purpose).

Locality and Common Purpose

A Civil Society News report in February 2011 revealed that:
Locality has been selected to lead the Government's £15 million programme to recruit and train 5,000 community organisers. Locality, which is the new charity formed through the merger of community organisations Bassac and the Development Trusts Association (DTA), will deliver the scheme with 11 partners, including Urban Forum and Voices4change England.
I was immediately able to identify a Common Purpose graduate linked to the merged organisations. This was Alan Wallace, the former Assistant Director for Regional Developments at the Development Trusts Association, London.
The Civil Society News report also told us that:
the community organisers programme was created by the Office for Civil Society in the Cabinet Office (OCS) and forms a key element of the social action pillar of the Big Society.
What other pillars of the Big Society are there?
The answer can be found on the website of Voices4change. It says:
The Government's Big Society agenda seeks to take power away from politicians and give it to the people. It is closely linked to the localism and public service reform agendas. The Big Society is focused around three core pillars
* Promoting Social Action
* Opening up public services
* Localism and Community Empowerment.
Voices4Change England (V4CE) is a national advocate for the Black & Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector (BME VCS). Its website says that it was 'launched  on 1st November 2011 as an independent organisation'. But just how independent is it? Voices4Change is a charity with a board of nine trustees, four of whom are Common Purpose Graduates.

Elizabeth Balgobin

The Independent Chair Elizabeth Balgobin is a Common Purpose Matrix Graduate 1998. Before becoming Chair of (V4CE) Elizabeth was the Interim Chief Executive at Charities Evaluation Services, CEO at London Voluntary Service Council and at Hackney Training and Employment network'.
Karl Oxford was selected by the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber to design and manage community facilitation and cohesion programmes. In 2004, he was assigned lead responsibility for delivering the Home Office's new Early Investment (ChyangeUp) Programme for voluntary sector development. He is a Common Purpose Matrix Graduate 1993.

Rupert Daniel is the Programme Director for the Black South West Network (BSWN), an NGO focussed on human rights, equality, access to knowledge and socio-economic inclusion. He is also Vice Chair of South West Stakeholders network, supporting civic participation in social and economic planning and of the South West Regional Race Forum. He is a Common Purpose Matrix Graduate 1993.
Jeremy Cook of the Black Training and Enterprise Group is a Common Purpose Matrix Graduate 1996. Jeremy is a member of the Department for Work & Pensions Ethnic Minority Advisory Group and the Equality Scheme Reference Group. He is also a member of the Communities and Local Government's voluntary and community sector Board, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Equalities Advisory Group, a non-executive Board Members of Greater London Enterprise and a Member of the Assessment Committee of the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.

Jeremy Cook OBE, Director of BTEG with Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society, at the NCVO Award Conference 2011

Who exactly is behind the Organisation Locality?

A visit to the Charity Commission website revealed it is a company registered with the Charity Commission as Locality (UK), Charity No: 1036460. Of its' ten listed trustees three are Common Purpose graduates. These are Andrew Robinson, 20:20 graduate; Barbara Harbinson, Focus Graduate and Joanna Holmes, Matrix graduate. Here's a little more details about the background of these individuals.

Andrew Robinson

Andrew Robinson MBE is a director of CCLA Investment Management Ltd. Previously he was head of Community Development Banking for RBS and NatWest. He was also the founding director of the UK's first community development finance institution (CDFI) and was more recently a member of the government's review of the community ownership and management of assets.
Barbara Harbinson is Chief Executive of Halifax Opportunities Trust and its subsidiary companies.
Joanna Holmes has been CEO at Barton Hill Settlement for the past seven years.

Kickstarter Organisations and Common Purpose

The 'Locality' Charity has already recruited what it calls 'Kickstarter' Organisations which are engaged to support the recruitment of community organisers and act as local hosts. These 'Kickstarter' organisations are found in Bristol, Birmingham, London (South & East), Hull, Norfolk, Cumbria, Manchester and Cornwall.
It hadn't escaped our notice that Joanna Holmes of 'Kickstarter' Barton Hill Settlement, Bristol also sits on the board of Trustees of Locality (UK). She is also a member of the Bristol Common Purpose Advisory Group. Funders for Barton Hill Settlement include Quartet Community Foundation.

Deb Appleby

Deb Appleby, previous CEO of Quartet Community Foundation, Bristol spent her early career in Bristol as a chartered accountant before moving to run Bristol Common Purpose and Chairing Barton Hill Settlement.

Caroline Duckworth

The current CEO at Quartet Community Foundation is Caroline Duckworth. Duckworth was previously development director at Common Purpose UK, Managing Director at Common Purpose UK and Independent Assessor at the Appointments Commission.

Max Weaver

At Birmingham Settlement 2 general managers and the Director of Finance were discovered to be Common Purpose graduates whilst in London we discovered past involvement by Max Weaver.
Weaver, who is listed by CPExposed as being with 'Kickstarter' Community Links London, is the Deputy Provost at London Guildhall University and is now also a Trustee at London Bridge Museum & Education Trust. Max holds the Degree 'Honorary Professor of Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS (Institute)'.  This is an exclusive degree awarded by the Academic Council of MIRBIS Institute to people who have made 'a great contribution to the development of relations between our nations, collaboration and mutual understanding in the name of the younger generation and shaping public opinion'.
The 'Kickstarter' organisation in Manchester is Manchester Metropolitan University where we uncovered seven Common Purpose Graduates. These included four Pro-Vice Chancellors & Deans of Faculty, the Director of Education and the Head of Applied Community Studies.
The 'Kickstarter' organisation in Hull is the Goodwin Development Trust. Here we discovered that Common Purpose 2000 graduate Kathryn Sowerby is Head of Organisational Development. Kathryn is a Panel Member at Keyfund Yorkshire & Vice Chair at Social Enterprise Yorkshire & Humber.
Cornwall appears to be covered by a Common Purpose Matrix graduate found within Penwith Community Development Trust, Penzance.
So we have 'Locality' populated by Common Purpose graduates, appointing Kickstarter' organisations, themselves also controlled by Common Purpose graduates, to action the government's £15 million programme to recruit and train 5,000 community organisers.
What was the procurement process by which 'Locality' was appointed as the 'selected partner' to deliver and train community organisers?
The answer recorded in Hansard on 27th March 2012 is certainly eyebrow raising:
The Cabinet Office ran an open and transparent procurement process through the Official Journal of the European Union. All bidders were assessed thoroughly against robust and published criteria...Locality was they scored higher against the criteria than the other bidders.
This prompts two questions.
Firstly, how many potential bidders actually receive or have access to the Official Journal of the EU?
Secondly, for the procurement process to be transparent and not as cloudy as oxtail soup there should be no evidence of possible collusion between the Cabinet Office and Common Purpose which would suggest that the process was anything other than at 'arms length'. Anything less would suggest potential breaches of both the Ministerial and Civil Service Code. As a gentle reminder Item 4.1.4 of the Civil Service Management Code, June 2011 says:
Civil Servants must not misuse...information acquired in the course of their official duties to further their private interests or those of others. Conflicts of interest may arise from financial interests and more broadly from official dealings with, or decisions in respect of, individuals who share a civil servant's private interests (for example Freemasonry, membership of societies, clubs and other organisations).
Readers should also be mindful of the 'behind the scenes' involvement of Gus O'Donnell, Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of the Home Civil Service prior to the establishment of the Coalition Government which both Cameron & Clegg said had been built upon principles of 'Unity & Common Purpose'.
Additionally, within his article 'Dark Actors Playing Games', Brian Gerrish revealed that Cameron's Cabinet Office had been in a 'secretive dialogue with Julia Middleton to achieve a culture change in the Top 200 Civil Servants using the Common Purpose Model'.
Could we be witnessing jobs for Common Purpose 'useful idiots' being distributed by Common Purpose apparatchiks?

The Big Society Is Not A New Idea

I have always found it difficult to grasp the concept of the Big Society. Whilst researching the archive of the Urban Forum website I discovered a link to 'Mutual Action, Common Purpose: Empowering the Third Sector'.
Former Home Secretary, David Blunkett published this document for the Fabian Society in 2008. It sets out a wide range of proposals to support the third sector in the future and it includes recommendations on grants and commissioning, volunteering, and how cooperatives and social enterprises could be used as legal vehicles for the future running of local services such as libraries, community shops and pubs etc. Many of the proposed policies and mechanisms for implementing them, described as the 'third way' under NuLabour have simply been re-packaged as the 'Big Society'.

The Training of Community Organisers

The Hansard Parliamentary record of written questions and answers on the subject of 'Community Organisers', dated 27th March 2012 reveals that:
The Government are committed to train 5,000 community organisers by March 2015. These will be made up of 500 senior community organisers who will in turn train 4,500 voluntary community organisers...Senior community organisers identify and recruit voluntary community organisers from their local community..a total of 87 trained senior community organisers currently operate in [a number] of localities.
The website of Barton Hill Settlement very helpfully contains a job description of a trainee Community Organiser. Under the subheading 'Training Information' it tells candidates that:
The programme begins with a three day residential training course provided by Re:Generate, which will give trainees the opportunity to get a much deeper understanding of 'Root Solution-Listening Matters' and the Community Organising role.
Trainees will then choose from a range of 'Go Deeper' learning options. This will last for the next six months of the contract, and allow them to respond to the needs of their community as different issues and projects arise and also to specialise in for example' community enterprise development, Alinski style citizen organising or the 'Root Solution-Listening Matters' process.
The UK Column has also learned that 'While Re:Generate provides the training to community organisers, it also employs its own community animators programme which is separate from the government-funded community organisers programme'.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The nuclear waste problem is not scientific, it is political.


"Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking time bomb.                    Jim Stone, Updated on July 22, 2013

Americans have been told their nuclear waste must go somewhere.  Americans have been told their spent reactor fuel needs to be stored inside a mountain in the desert, where it will sit as a threat and menace to the world for millions of years.  Americans have been told there is nothing they can do about it.  But what if they have been told a lie?  What if that "spent fuel" was not spent at all?  What if a technology existed which allowed the same fuel to be used over and over, twenty times in fact, and expended so fully that fuel rods would be safe enough to handle directly out of the reactor?  Think any "spent fuel pools" would be full?   And even if this technology never existed, what if foreign nations, (France was one) offered to buy this fuel from America for billions of dollars only to have the American Government refuse the offer for no reason at all?  Certainly allowing France to have it would solve the problem of getting rid of it.   And the final question, WHY would the American Government want so much nuclear material sitting around the country - enough to make countless atomic bombs - only to have it become a threat to America's national security?  Could it be that for many years America has not had a legitimate government, and instead has had a band of invaders in power who have intentionally set America up for a fall? 
After reading this report, I believe you will be inclined to think so.

This report consists of hard scientific fact and even harder answers.

During my journey of discovery in my investigation into the Fukushima disaster, I interviewed an 85 year old nuclear engineer who worked in the nuclear industry during America's glory days, an engineer who earned GE over 100 patents. He was one of the engineers who designed Fukushima, so naturally when conducting an investigation into such a disaster a journalist would want that type of reference. He was surprised when my prior study of reactor systems was so thorough that he had no information about Fukushima I did not already dig up, and he was very surprised when I told him details about the inner workings of his own reactor design he never expected anyone in the media to know.
When I started to think I was going to walk away with nothing new, he began to talk about an entirely different subject. He began his new direction in the discussion with the phrase "My team succeeded in closing the nuclear loop, and Carter banned our miracle with an executive order

Here is what followed that introductory line, and an enormous reason why Americans need to seriously question the current government structure and possibly start over.

"I started in the American nuclear program all the way back at the time of the Manhattan project, and have been involved in reactor design and nuclear engineering my whole life. There was one answer we all searched for, and it was how to close the nuclear loop.
When a reactor such as a boiling water reactor uses fuel, the waste products, which are highly radioactive isotopes that have a different fission characteristic than the original fuel, build up in the fuel and change the nature of the nuclear reaction. A reactor such as a boiling water reactor can only use the fuel until it gets contaminated by these isotopes enough to change the nature of the nuclear reactions taking place. The reaction environment inside a boiling water reactor is only one such environment which will work to trigger a chain reaction, and if that spent fuel is put into a reactor made from different materials, those materials can favor the burning of the isotopes which interfere with the chain reactions in the boiling water reactor and use these interfering isotopes as fuel until they are consumed. After this process, which restores the fuel to it's original state is complete, the fuel can go back into the boiling water reactor and used as new with no reprocessing - the exact same rods can be exchanged between reactors.

We perfected the second reactor design which used liquid sodium as a coolant and the reactor ran much hotter - 1100 farenheit as opposed to 550 in a boiling water reactor. The liquid sodium circulated inside the reactor instead of water, with the heat of the reaction being removed from the system by a heat exchanger which produced steam outside the reactor for use in producing electricity. The temperature difference and coolant characteristics in the complimentary reactor facilitated the burning of the isotopes, and you got to use both sides of the reaction - the boiling water reactor produced electricity while producing unwanted isotopes, and the sodium cooled reactor produced electricity while burning the unwanted isotopes out. This process could be repeated 20 times, and when it was finished the fuel was DEAD and no longer hazardous because all of it's radiological potential was used up. It was a clean energy dream come true, and Carter banned it by executive order!"

He specifically stated that the burn down was so complete that the spent fuel was safe to handle directly with bare hands, and needed no special care or maintenance at all, and after I questioned him about exactly how safe, said you could safely sleep on it. I questioned him several times, saying he must be exaggerating, but he said ALL radiological potential was used, and the fuel was completely inert at the end of the final cycle.

Many people know about the liquid sodium breeder reactor developed by General Electric in the late 1970's but few people know the real story about this reactor, which this engineer developed. To back stab the public image of this reactor, it was stated that it's rods would stick and that liquid sodium was too dangerous to use as a coolant. But this engineer, the man who developed it, stated that this media campaign was a pure psy op which like many things the media and government says had no truth to it at all.
He then went on to lament about what a waste of money it was to have the technology banned because nuclear fuel is expensive and they were only able to use it to about five percent of its total potential without implementing this technology. He lamented the fact that his life's greatest accomplishment got banned for no good reason, and it was a tremendous waste of money to not use the technology his team developed. Electricity would have been cheap. So cheap that homes would not have been heated with oil or natural gas, electricity would have been the only sensible choice. Furthermore, with a reduction in the price of electricity by at least 10X, electric cars would have quickly become a standard.
This would have been America's free energy future, with the only real cost being maintenance of infrastructure.
He was sad that we were now paying too much for electricity. I guess that's how an engineer thinks. He had read my article about Fukushima and liked it, so it is an easy guess that his eyes were open to the global conspiracy. But I think he missed the obvious in what he said.

Here is what I think about this technology being banned, and it has nothing to do with preservation of resources or free energy.

Nuclear reactors are huge. They have an enormous amount of nuclear material in them. One boiling water reactor core the size of the ones at Fukushima, which have a thermal potential of three gigawatts and an electrical generating capacity of one gigawatt can easily hold enough fissionable material to make many atomic bombs. And with the technology that makes re-using that fuel illegal, it builds up in the cooling pools at a rate of 25 tons per electrical gigawatt YEAR. This means that after 40 years of fuel buildup even small 500 megawatt facilities have approximately a million pounds of highly radioactive fuel sitting in their pools waiting for the right combination of problems to cause a disaster. Because the Japanese were at least allowed by their government to use a reprocessing technology inferior to what this engineer spoke of, Fukushima only had approximately 250,000 pounds of "spent" fuel at each reactor site, which remained intact throughout the disaster. But because in America no reprocessing is allowed at all in any form, the fukushima equivalents in America, such as TVA operated Browns Ferry and NSP operated Prairie Island have no fewer than two million pounds of "spent" fuel at each reactor site, which means that Browns Ferry alone could, in a worst case scenario, far exceed the damage done by Fukushima.

Contrary to what the scamming mainstream press has reported, Fukushima reactor 3 was destroyed entirely while at 3,000 PSI (far beyond specifications) which resulted in a complete core expulsion. This threw approximately 100,000 pounds of fuel into the environment, much of it in the form of brown dust that badly contaminated the entire surrounding area and was found around the world. Seldom reported in the press is the fact that the Fukushima site was so badly contaminated that it could not be approached, and remote control and robots were used in the months following the disaster to get the radiation down to a survivable level after the first three people to explore the site died. At 100,000 pounds of expelled material, reactor 3 could have produced at most 2 percent of the total contamination possible from a large American nuclear facility. This puts the possible disaster from Browns ferry at 50 to 100 times worse than Fukushima. Multiply that by Prairie Island and the over 100 other similar sized nuclear facilities in America and it is not hard to calculate that a serious national security threat exists.

America's nuclear waste problem was intentionally created

When GE and others designed the nuclear facilities both in America and abroad, they had calculated that they would indeed succeed in closing the nuclear loop. So they designed the nuclear facilities with an approximate 20X safety margin in the fuel pools, because they did not have a clear date on when the technology would be perfected. It was my impression from this engineer that they got it sooner than expected. So fortunately the fuel pools were over built, but despite being over built they were never designed to withstand the fuel burdens that would result from a political decision to destroy the closed loop fuel cycle technology altogether. So now, 40 years after the ban, America has fuel pools around the country that are so full that they have exceeded even the extremely generous safety margins they were originally designed to have, and even modest pools often have over 400 tons of highly active isotope ridden "spent" fuel in them.
Having functional fuel pool cooling systems was never intended to be necessary. GE and others wanted only a fractional core of fuel sitting in a pool at any one time, with at most one or two entire cores, not 15 or 20. If all cooling systems failed with only the intended maximum of one or two cores sitting in a pool there would be no boiling of the water in the pool, no pending disaster possible from equipment failure no matter how severe. But the way it is now, if there is any sort of attack or disaster which prevents fuel pool maintenance at any of the facilities in America for a period exceeding three days, the water will boil off, the fuel will catch fire and a nuclear disaster of unimaginable magnitude far in excess of Fukushima will take place. And it never needed to be this way, in fact, the situation is criminal.

Foreign nations offered help, but the American government said NO

Upon recognizing the lunacy of America's Federally mandated nuclear sabotage, countries like France and Germany offered to buy America's 5% spent fuel for billions of dollars. They were not held political hostage by a hostile government, and could certainly use a source of cheap fuel. But rather than accept this offer,the American government mandated NO transport of the fuel to foreign nations, no further use whatsoever. American nuclear facilities were forced by Federal regulation to use approximately 5 percent of the fuel's radiological potential, leaving 95 percent of the radiological hazard remaining, and subsequently forced to keep it in a fuel pool that needs continuous maintenance. While arguing against this report, shills have said it was the import/export restrictions which caused such a dangerous situation in America, but since those laws were written by the same government that banned the closing of the "nuclear loop", the export restrictions are only a further indictment of the FED for causing this problem.  
Simultaneous with the intentional building of the threat from having so much nuclear material sitting around came all the government scandals and lies about needing to put the fuel somewhere. Inside a mountain in the desert. Inside a dry cask. Maybe in the ocean, all the while the general American public was kept oblivious to the obvious answer: If they were not allowed to use it because of a nonsensical piece of legislation, why not let someone else have it, when other nations are willing to even pay for it?

Here is what I believe is the answer. And this answer needs to be spread far and wide.

Whatever you think of Kennedy, on the day of his death he was America's last hope. No President since has been anything other than a puppet for an enemy infiltrator, The enemy is not only inside the gates, it has been taking a paycheck from the American people for over 45 years.
Consider this: America's government intentionally put in place policies that de-industrialized America. That's an act of war. The American government put in place policies that intentionally destroyed America's schools. That's an act of war. And I consider forcing via mandate the buildup of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of nuclear warheads worth of perfectly good reactor fuel just waiting for a disaster to be an act of war as well - Only an enemy would intentionally mandate the creation of such a threat, who on earth would, other than someone who hated America? Not only did America lose a marvelous clean virtually free energy future, that future got converted into a threat that could very easily destroy the nation and take much of the world with it. All it would take to kill America, with America's nuclear facilities drastically overloaded with 5% spent fuel, is 150 smart bombs. One successful bombing run and it is over. And that's not even taking into consideration other disaster scenarios, such as earthquakes and computer virus attacks.

The enemy of America is now in complete control of the nation

Ever since Kennedy's assassination America has not had a true representative government, especially starting with Carter. When I worked for the NSA, I saw a few computers which were identical to the early vote counting computers, and they could be set to loop a single ballot over and over again. With a scammed vote, America got over-run by outsiders who wanted the country destroyed. Prior to 1973 America was only going upward, and anyone who wanted to see America destroyed or enslaved would never permit Americans to get virtually free energy. The enemy would lose oil profits. They would potentially lose control of energy, leaving the financial system the only means of forced social compliance outside of a hot war and the enemy wanted control options. True clean energy had to be stopped.
The enemy of America is a sinister enemy. It is a small group of religiously "elite" people who weaponize everything. They have weaponized sympathy, victim status, water systems, vaccines, genetically modified organisms and even terror - anything they have been able to think of, and have used these things and many more to cause destruction.  And the nuclear industry, now blocked from a dream come true technology, can be used as a weapon.

The truth in this is undeniable

There is plenty of proof.  No shill can stop people from checking out the history of other nations, such as Germany, France and Russia offering America BILLIONS for this not so "spent" fuel, which can only sit as a hazard after a political decision banning technologies which allow for it's purification at the same time additional political decisions have banned it's export. This hazard has been unnecessarily and intentionally accumulating for years. It's the equivalent of keeping a 5,000 gallon tank of petrol in your bedroom. Better hope all is well with it.
I honestly feel that banning this miracle technology; you should have heard the sparkle, the awe in the old man's voice when he said they closed the "nuclear loop", and the sadness, despair and anger expressed at it's being banned; I feel it was an act of war against America. There were never any accidents associated with this technology, according to this engineer everything negative said about it was a bold faced lie spoken by people of ill intent. America's nuclear waste problem is not scientific, it is political.

I believe this nuclear engineer opened up and told me about this because I was the first journalist he ever encountered that actually understood nuclear technology. He knew I would understand what he said and subsequently bring this story to the public. But outside of making the public aware by telling his story in an article such as this, what more can I do?

People asked me to clarify Carter's executive order

The executive order was number 12058, and it put in place the Nuclear non-proliferation act of 1978. There was NEVER a safety related issue with the technology, and never a meltdown of any sort associated with it. This fits the context in which the engineer spoke. This confirms that a "wag the dog" scenario really was put forth to the public to avoid dissent toward the banning of this miracle technology, a wag the dog the shills repeat OVER AND OVER. It's a lie folks, and I will prove it right here!
The excuse given in the "act" associated with the executive order was that the process was perfect for producing plutonium, and the FED wanted to avoid the possibility of plutonium spreading around the world for use in nuclear weapons. No mention as to its safety is made at all in the bill, which would be expected if it was a legitimate excuse to shoot the technology down.
There is a major flaw in the concept of non proliferation. First of all, the technology had already been developed, and was the sole property of an American corporation. So using this technology in America, which already had LOTS AND LOTS of plutonium, would not have been any more of a threat than what was already here. So the excuse for banning the technology was a LIE.
Reagan later over turned this executive order, but then an excuse was made that we really could not do it after all, it was EXPENSIVE!. I am going to flatly state that the technology got buried or destroyed in the 10 year interim where it was out in limbo, and the ban was lifted only after EVERY LAST TRACE of how it should be done was physically destroyed, and every last document associated with it was shredded. After that, the only thing needed to keep it quiet would be the usurpation of GE, and transfer of the engineers involved so they never get to re-develop it.
Other nations have developed versions of the technology and are using it right now, but what they have cannot approach the elegance and perfection of what this engineer described. I believe America had the holy grail of nuclear technology, and it really was taken from us. What others have cannot be described as the closing of the "nuclear loop".
A link to an abbreviated version of that treaty is here and it is a tough one to dig up. Nothing ANYWHERE specifically states the technology was banned, but the implementation of the treaty amounts to a de-facto ban. This is what killed it.
It is interesting then that the reactor engineer specifically stated that Carter made the case that the process was not safe and THAT is what led to the ban. So I would be willing to bet that there was something else going on which remains classified to this day; but as the "official" culprit, this act is what did it. And please note where I had to go to get even an abbreviated version. $! CHINA. They are THAT worried about having screwed us!
Here is Carter's speech about his enactment of this abomination, where as usual, safety and security are used as an excuse to destroy. I am sure if you found my site you know that game!
Here is a supporting book, I could not dredge up the full text of the actual bill, only an abbreviated version. There is somthing fishy here. If you find the actual bill with the full text, send me the link and I will put it here.