Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kidnapped Bishops, their English Links..

2 bishops from an obscure church, are kidnapped far away, abroad.  What does it have to do with us, here in the UK?
Actually, quite a lot!  
There are people in Cambridgeshire, South Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, as well as elsewhere in Britain, who personally know one of these two men.
  The congregation of the Orthodox Christian Parish of St Aethelheard, Louth, Lincolnshire have received this upsetting email from local priest, Father Michael Harry.  

“Syrian Kidnap   to you and 42 others

Brothers and Sisters,

Your prayers please.  One of the bishops kidnapped in Syria is Metropolitan Paul Yazigi, the Patriarch's brother.  Many of us know him from when he consecrated our church in Doncaster.  When I served with him as a deacon at Cambridge, I remember him as very helpful to us beginners.

In Christ,

Father Michael.”

The Orthodox Church in Britain is attended mainly by converts from other churches and immigrants from the EU, other Eastern European countries and Russia.   
Muslim terrorists have an appalling history, recent history too, of horrifyingly cruel ill-treatment of victims whether Christian, or from other minorities.  What will happen to these 2 bishops?  They could die?  Horribly! How long might they be held?   
Do you remember John McCarthy, Brian Keenan, Terry A. Anderson and Anglican Terry Waite, and the many others who have suffered appallingly at these brutal monsters’ hands? 
What is the British Government doing to help rectify this terrifying situation?

The Community at Work

This REALLY IS COMMUNITARIANISM! This is how 'the community' works, this is how 'the community' polices itself. Coming soon to the USA, UK and EU. 
If the Chinese people are stupid enough to put up with this, that is their problem, I don't see what anyone else can do about it, until the Chinese grow some integrity, mercy and love in their hearts. You see, after going through this horrendous ordeal, most Chinese women are NOT going to permit any other woman in their village or district to hide away and have their children. "I, OR WE, HAVE SUFFERED - NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!" A network of local spies! How do you think the authorities know about who is pregnant, and when? The "friends" and "neighbours" report unauthorised pregnancies for a little cash or a pat on the back from Big Bro. This is because most Chinese are Godless, and have never heard of, or have rejected, Jesus and the Buddha's teachings of letting go of jealousy and envy, practising forgiveness, loving kindness, and of NOT seeking revenge. Hate and bitterness, laughing at other people's problems and pain, lashing out, being sneaky! Abortion is like that.  

Even in the West I have noticed that women who have had abortions themselves or who "believe" in it, are highly likely to persuade a young woman to go and get aborted. Who are these people?  They seem to crawl out of the woodwork, obtain great pleasure in "helping" the pregnant woman, and then, once it's all over, they often fade right out of the woman's life, very quickly! They never were a real friend at all, just a nasty virus or psychic vampire, feeding off the sad situation! If they can persuade a woman to follow their advice, it reinforces their warped, feel-good view of themselves (and helps keep out the doubts about whether they are really right in their negative views.)  
Grinning Chinese sculptures protest oppression and pain

Yue Minjun sculptures at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

An installation of smiling sculptures by Yue Minjun.  A group of identical male figures - presumably self-portraits, as nearly all his works are - facing in one direction with their hands clapped over their ears.  The figures all grin madly, as though laughing themselves to death.  His work almost always explores one prominent theme: his own absurdly smiling face, grinning so widely that it exposes dozens of extra teeth. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Gosnell, Protected by Liberals..

Why hasn’t this been front-page news?
 'The answer? Gosnell was a registered abortion provider. His killings blurred the line between late-term abortions and infanticide in a way that embarrassed pro-choice journalists.
Gosnell killed babies of the same age both inside and outside the womb. How can one be a legal termination and the other murder? Pro-choice writers and activists didn’t want to focus on that question…..
Pro-choicers averted their eyes to the crimes of a racist "doctor" who’s worst acts are beyond imagining. They did so because making a fuss would give ammunition to the pro-life movement.

Only in America, you might say. But I’ve been gauging the response of British social media to the Gosnell case; many tweets reek of the same culture of evasion, to put it politely. 
Earlier this week I raised the question on Twitter with the Rev Richard Coles, a Left-wing pop-musician-turned-vicar who presents BBC Radio 4’s Saturday Live and does a nice line in clerical whimsy. 
He said his views were “not entirely formed yet”. 
And in a second tweet: “Too much brouhaha at the moment.”
That says it all, I reckon. Gosnell was protected not just by pro-choice extremists such as Barack Obama, but also by run-of-the-mill liberals who, despite their distaste for late-term abortions, didn’t want to provide ammunition for the Sarah Palins of this world. So, for years, they took steps to avoid a “brouhaha”. 
The results are available for anyone to see online in the form of a heart-rending photograph of a baby killed by Gosnell.
Unlike Mr Coles’s views on the subject, it is “entirely formed”.'

Taken from:  Damien Thompson — Telegraph.co.uk April 27, 2013
