Monday, January 30, 2012

Keryn Jalli, Swansea University


Author Archives: Keryn.Jalli

EXCLUSIVE! Student Activist Diary exposes fascist meeting in Swansea

Dear Miss Jalli,

Please be aware of the law when publishing articles, and pay attention to the following:

Libel. from

1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander, which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Publication need only be to one person, but it must be a statement which claims to be fact and is not clearly identified as an opinion………….. 2) v. to broadcast or publish a written defamatory statement.

May I suggest that the next time you publish an article; it would be wise to stop and do a little research first to check whether the facts being put before you are actually correct. It is ‘not rocket science’ in these days of the Worldwide Web. Failure to do such research is not only lazy, sloppy journalism; it could be catastrophic.

Sadly, Zahid Raja, NUS Wales Black Students Officer and on the United Against Fascism Wales steering committee has allowed himself to be seriously mislead. Let’s hope he soon sees sense.

In your article, you directly state that Brian Gerrish, Editor of the UK Column newspaper, is “a known fascist sympathiser.”

I, and many others, would very much like to know from exactly where you obtained the false information that Brian Gerrish is, “a known fascist sympathiser.” Did you just print this falsehood because Zahid Raja told you to? Or did you check elsewhere first? If so, where?

Anyone taking the trouble to research properly, which you and Zahid Raja clearly have yet to do, will very quickly find out that Brian Gerrish is, in fact, quite the reverse! Brian Gerrish is a brave and dedicated fighter against fascism, in all its forms!

You have also quoted Zahid Raja elsewhere in your article, where he describes, “ …..Choosing Brian, a well-known proponent of fascism, to speak on faux-issues that underpin Islamaphobic propaganda suggests to me that this is a political attempt to inject divisive politics into the local community.”

Raja is entirely wrong in this statement.

Raja also implies that Brian Gerrish’s talk was intended to whip up racism in the local community and promote racial division in the area. These accusations are also false,

here “this attempt to mainstream racism”

and here “this kind of baseless politics that fuels racism.”

May I suggest you take a quick visit to the UK Column online

Go to the top and click on the British Constitution Group,

then go to video, click and scroll down to see:- Dele Ogun, author of “The Law, the Lawyers and the Lawless. “

As you can see, not only are all races welcome to join the British Constitution Group and attend their conferences, they address the conferences too. Here is Brian Gerrish in conversation with Anthony Hilder, the well-known American author and commentator. He also addressed the British Constitution Group conference in London a couple of years ago. Listen to them, for heaven’s sake!

There are a variety of very interesting videos online where you can see for yourself exactly what Brian Gerrish believes and is working towards. Please do so, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Important! Please also be aware that Brian Gerrish, his fellow workers on the UK Column, people in Lawful Rebellion, and the membership of the British Constitution Group are greatly upsetting and disturbing the British Establishment. We are exposing Common Purpose and wide scale corruption in the highest places. This is a very real fight against evil, and we are committed to it.

However, by writing and spreading around blatantly false, Government–sourced propaganda such as the incorrect nonsense you have been duped into printing recently in this article, you and your misguided colleague are not being rebels. You are being used as “useful idiots” by the governing Elite, you are allowing yourselves to be New World Order pawns.

Yes, the British Constitution Group is political, but it is not party political. It does not represent any particular group, race, religion, age group, etc. Anyone living here permanently or temporarily as a visitor, from any background may join, and are doing so. And need to, believe me!

Another interesting fact you may not know.

Joining The British Constitution Group requires taking a pledge not to vote for any of the BIG 3 Political Parties – the LIB LAB CON.

The false left-right paradigm? Have you ever heard of this expression? All young people need to.

And if, like most British people, you are still relying on the BBC, Channel 4, ITV, CNN, Sky, Fox – even Russia Today and Al Jazeera, with mainstream media (MSM) newspapers, to be informed, you are being seriously mislead. You must look further and wider for truthful information on what is really happening to this country, and the wider world.

This is not a moaning letter, Keryn. We are genuinely concerned for you and your friend Zahid. Please do not allow yourselves to be used by hopelessly lost New World Order slaves like UAF. You are young and we can assure you that you do not know everything, we are older and still learning much about wholesale corruption in British and world politics. Believe us, nothings is what it seems!

And this applies to the fringe organisations and pressure groups too.

This is a video of the talk which Raja and Jalli objected to, with Swansea University students and the UAF outside, demonstrating. Against what?

Brian and the British Constitution Group's concern for local children's safety, and the safety of children generally across Britain:

Is the British government really involved in making money from the protection and care of children and families? The answer is, you bet, and what’s more they don’t like talking about it.

Sarah Teather was recently sent a simple email by the UK Column:

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brantwood School, R.B.S Bonuses 2012,

Royal Bank of Scotland bonuses!? For what??!!

A 1 million pound bonus for RBS Chief Executive Stephen Hester!? In his bloody dreams!





To hell with it, and Grant Thornton.

The Royal Bank of Scotland is the low down, rotten, no good, pig sty of a bank that foreclosed on a girls’ school in Sheffield – BRANTWOOD SCHOOL, NETHER EDGE, SHEFFIELD.

RBS is a greedy disgrace to banking!