Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When Will They Ever Learn?

Senior Aircraftman Christopher Bridge [Picture: RAF]

Senior Aircraftman Christopher Bridge [Picture: RAF]

Senior Aircraftman Christopher Bridge, who died on 30 August, 2007, aged 20, was serving in Afghanistan with C flight, 51 Squadron Royal Air Force Regiment.

A civilian interpreter was also sadly killed in the incident and two other servicemen received minor injuries. Shortly after midnight local time, C Flight was conducting a routine security patrol around Kandahar Airfield when the vehicle SAC Bridge was travelling in was caught in an explosion.
All the casualties were evacuated to the ISAF medical facility at Kandahar Airfield by emergency response helicopter. Sadly SAC Bridge was pronounced dead on arrival and the interpreter later died of his wounds.

A Wife in London' by Thomas Hardy - December 1899

A Poem of the Boer war

I ~ The Tragedy

She sits in the tawny vapour
That the City lanes have uprolled,
Behind whose webby fold on fold
Like a waning taper
The street-lamp glimmers cold.

A messenger's knock cracks smartly,
Flashed news is in her hand
Of meaning it dazes to understand
Though shaped so shortly:


II ~ The Irony

'Tis the morrow; the fog hangs thicker,
The postman nears and goes:
A letter is brought whose lines disclose
By the firelight flicker
His hand, whom the worm now knows:

Fresh ~ firm ~ penned in highest feather -
Page-full of his hoped return,
And of home-planned jaunts by brake and burn
In the summer weather,
And of new love that they would learn.

He ~ has fallen ~ in the far South Land . . .

And all for what?

Libya, Afghanistan, Iran? etc. - you too can have a country like this!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Libya R.I.P.



The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

Gaddafi was being demonised by the Reagan-Father Bush administration (the Rothschilds) in the 1980s when the CIA and Mossad led a campaign to destabilise Libya that mirrors what has happened in 2011. Newsweek reported on August 3rd, 1981:

‘The details of the plan were sketchy, but it seemed to be a classic CIA destabilization campaign. One element was a “disinformation” program designed to embarrass Kaddafi and his government. Another was the creation of a “counter government” to challenge his claim to national leadership. A third — potentially the most risky — was an escalating paramilitary campaign, probably by disaffected Libyan nationals, to blow up bridges, conduct small-scale guerrilla operations and demonstrate that Kaddafi was opposed by an indigenous political force.’

Sound familiar? That was 30 years ago.

But so many just buy the lie no matter what the era or generation. As Adolf Hitler said: ‘Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.’ And his propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, said: ‘The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Hitler also said, with equal relevance: ‘What luck for the rulers that men do not think.’

NATO planes pepper-bombed Tripoli in support of the ‘rebels’ on the ground. Thousands of the very civilians that the UN resolution said should be protected were killed in the process. But we hear nothing of this in the mainstream media and precious little of the murder and executions of Gaddafi supporters by the ‘rebels’ throughout the conflict and after they entered Tripoli.

The emphasis is always on alleged executions and killings of rebel supporters by Gaddafi’s forces. No doubt some of these claims are true, but where is the balance? There is none, and Syria is now being demonised to go through the same process of demonise, invade, conquer, control. Richard Haas, president of the Illuminati Council on Foreign Relations which directs US foreign policy, has admitted that the NATO bombing of Libya was not about protecting civilians, but removing Gaddafi. He also called for an ‘international force’ to occupy the country and ‘maintain order’.

It is the same rhetoric, the same blueprint, which we have seen in every other country ‘liberated’ by the architects of tyranny. It really is goodbye Libya: rest in peace. The United States and its conscripted NATO allies are not going to walk away and leave Libya to the Libyans. It is an occupation force to pillage the oil resources and the banking system, and it was always going to be.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dodgy NGOs And The Arab Spring

A number of German Government funded (with tax payers' money) NGOs have shown up in the middle east 'Arab Spring'.

Interestingly, the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung has been particularly busy 'promoting democracy'. What makes this so interesting, is that they openly talk about training Arab leaders in Egypt to use social media to organise.... sounds like subversion to me. Call it 'promoting democracy' all you like.

The FNS has been slowly creeping into bed with Egyptian media for quite some time. I wonder how much FNS influenced and agitated the Mubarak overthrow???? Friedrich Naumann Egypt

On another note, closer to home there have been German efforts to promote the fragmentation of other EU-countries through regionalisation-policy ("devolution" to bodies dominated by pseudo-nationalist parties in Scotland and Wales, especially).

Again, promoting democracy, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung together with the European Parliament, funded Canon Kenyon Wright's "Constitutional Convention" for an elected regional assembly, in Wales, in 1998 - as stated on the programme for the first meeting of the "Convention".

I hear that FES also supported the Scottish National Party, who plan to break up the UK.

That is particularly interesting, as the Nazis supported the early form of the SNP to run as a Scottish Quisling Govt for Germany upon invasion of Britain, according to declassified MI5 files. The enemy of my enemy is my friend eh?
Article here - -->Nazi Quisling Scotland

FES also funded a three-day conference in Beirut with speakers from Hezbollah and Hamas - two terrorist organizations who officially promote the hate of the Blood Libel and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Conference participants included Shaykh Naeem Qasim from Hezbollah; Azzam Tamimi, from the Institute of Islamic Thought in London, who presents himself in the Arab press as a counsellor to Hamas; Tariq Ramadan, from the University of Freibourg, a Muslim Brotherhood ideologue, notorious for his public incitement to antisemitism in France; Ibrahim al-Masri, vice president of Lebanon's al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya, a group linked by terrorism experts to al-Qaeda; and Munir Shafiq, a leading Hamas ideologue and former activist in Islamic Jihad.

One good point to make, is that FES uses Friedrich Ebert as the first democratically elected President of Germany. Which would be fine if it really was a democracy which Ebert was President of.

Ebert was instrumental in forming the Freikorps with German General Wilhelm Groener at the end of WW1 whilst Ebert was Chancellor, and agreed and encouraged the army to suppress the popular worker's uprising at the time (killing thousands), blaming it on those pesky communists (of which in reality, were minimal in Germany at the time). Many of his supporters and Freikorps members used to wear the Swastika as a symbol of solidarity against communists, long before the Nazi party existed. The Freikorps and Ebert were functionaries of the military-industrial complex, who blamed the working class and communist subversion for Germany's apparent failure in WW1.

Nice patron for a subversive charity....?
