Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zeitgeist, Does It Have A Common Purpose?

The Zeitgeist Movement?

Are you aware of what it actually is? Are the nice people who have joined Zeitgeist and who promote it even aware, I wonder? I see their banner and stalls around and shudder! It is very upsetting to me, to see how easy it is for young people to be lead up a blind alley.

Brian Gerrish frequently highlights the demise of public houses as part of a deliberate campaign to destroy an important centre of British neighbourhoods (I will not say the “C” word - COMMUNITY!) Obviously, the church is another. What a coincidence! Churches are being de-commissioned and boarded-up, or even pulled down, all over Britain, too! Or else they are being “changed!” A boarded-up church, just like a boarded –up pub, is an extremely sad and thoroughly demoralising sight, a psychological symbol of decay and decline right in our face. Our Christian heritage has been under attack for years (for a reason) and, these days, few in Britain go to church anymore.

Here is an excellent American video of Constance Cumbey on Christianity under attack. Have you seen it? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8937919448007045479 The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.

Please take advantage of these films while Google Video is still up and running, it soon won’t be!

Think about NLP, and what we are up against in Common Purpose.

Other good films I have discovered around this subject:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6272335793596892362 The Gods of the New Age.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3853656682661756084 Lucifer’s Children. (Very long, but well worth it. Watch it in chunks!)

Brian Gerrish recently interviewed Alan Watt on radio. Fantastic! I have been listening to his Cutting Through the Matrix radio program for years. One of Alan’s big themes is the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato, and his work, “Plato’s Republic.” Alan says over and over again that the New World Order / One World Government that we are heading towards, under the UN, is Platonic. It will be a caste/ class system where people will be born for a purpose, to serve a role in a social group, with no social mobility. This is what the Hindu Caste system is. And what Alan predicts. Scientology is connected to this too, and we all know that is very bad news.

The Hindu religion and its rigid caste system disappointed and upset the sensitive , high caste, Hindu Prince Siddhartha Gautama so much, 500 years BC, that he rejected it entirely and went off into the jungle for years to eventually become the Buddha, ‘ the enlightened one.’ This is important because Buddhism practises loving kindness to all beings, and understands that anyone can become enlightened like the Buddha. No Hindu reincarnation through endless lives is necessary to become a Buddha. Murderers, thieves, the mentally ill, male and female, etc. all have within them the potential to become enlightened in their lifetime. It’s difficult but possible, so all have a form of equality, in Buddhism. Can you see where this is going?

The Jews had, and still have, a caste/class system. When you read the New Testament, you will find Jesus arguing and challenging the Pharisees, the inbred Jewish top dogs, over and over again. He hardly bothers with the Romans and the occupation. He even says, ”Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.” This is because the Roman Empire just wanted order and taxes revenue and, as long as they got it , they left the day-to-day running of the province down to the locals, across the empire. No, Jesus’ Big Issue was the Pharisees, and their greed, control and exploitation of, and sadistic punishment and judgement over, their fellow, poor Jews. Jesus’ key teaching that “All men are equal in the eyes of God,” “Blessed are the poor,” “Blessed are the meek,” This is saying the class/caste system is wrong and the poor deserve respect! It’s revolutionary teaching, and why he was murdered. It isn’t Communism, but it is about basic humanity, freedom and respect for others, of being kind, merciful and civilised. And teaches that no one is better than anyone else! No wonder the New World Order want us all to either forget Christianity, get confused about it and get it wrong, or give it up!

In fairness, Alan is unimpressed with all organised religions because they have been manipulated into deviations of their original however, the fact remains that our individual rights have developed down the years in the West due to the teachings of Christ about humanity.

Here is an endearing young man explaining what he’s found out about Plato’s Republic. It’s not rocket science, and you don’t have to go to university to understand it:



What has all this got to do with Zeitgeist? There is film called 'Zeitgeist' promoting the Venus Project. It is very good, interesting and thought-provoking. I don’t accept all of it, I have my own views - so should everyone, but it is definitely worth watching,

http://vimeo.com/13726978 Zeitgeist. Millions have watched this film, and been educated by it.

Then more recently, 'Zeitgeist Addendum' 2008 was released: http://vimeo.com/13770061 to high acclaim. Again, full of facts, highly educational but I recognised a certain voice and face in this film, Jiddu Krishnamurthy! As a child, he encountered prominent occultist and Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater. He was subsequently raised under the tutelage of Leadbeater and Annie Besant, leaders of the Theosophical Society at the time. Leadbeater and Besant believed Krishnamurthy to be the likely vehicle for a messianic entity, the so-called World Teacher they call “Maitreya,” which was, in itself, a thoroughly wicked act!

The Theosophists commandeered the name and philosophy of Maitreya from Tibetan Buddhism without permission, and used it and continue to use it, for their own twisted ends!

The story of Krishnamurthy’s life and his teachings are very interesting.

I contacted Jason Burmas, Alex Jones’ (Prison Planet) researcher, to put Alex straight on this film, Zeitgeist Addendum – I AM VERY PROUD OF THIS! So, is there is more to Zeitgeist and The Venus Project than we are aware? Highly likely! Alex and Jason did further research themselves on Zeitgeist Addendum and the following radio show resulted. I am behind Alex Jones all the way on this film analysis. Sorry if that upsets anyone, I know many criticise him but he knows his stuff:








And here is a fragment of a Jones’ documentary where the New Age Druid-types are trying to bewitch the Bohemian Grove attendees! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HomgMJSweHw

(Note the chant at the end @ 9.48, “Everything she touches changes, changes ,changes…”)

Hmmm, who else goes on about change a lot? Oh Yes, Henry Tam, Cameron and Pres. Barry Obama!

Please, look at all these New Age/ diversity/leadership training/Communitarian – type buzzwords i have found being used to describe the Zeitgeist Movement:

“Sustainability” “Advocacy” Organization which conducts “community based activism” and “awareness actions” through “a network” of “Global/Regional Chapters,” “ Project Teams,” Annual Events, “Media and Charity Work.”

I am not happy, I am actually deeply concerned, “that there are hundreds of these groups spread across the country,” and, “ they operate in most countries of the world, and worldwide (online) membership stands at 553,073,” and “that a film can have so much impact!”

and I wonder if there is a link to Common Purpose actually in the Zeitgeist Movement?

Here is some more satanic evil I've discovered to disturb you and keep you awake at night. Enjoy!





Sunday, July 24, 2011

Media Standards Trust - Edge TV Exposes



A big thanks to Ian Crane, Alex Geairns and all the Edge Media crew for giving me the opportunity to appear on Sky 200 last night (21 July 2011) in a 2 hour live show to fully expose the role of the Common Purpose backed Media Standards Trust (MST) in the current phone hacking scandal. The MST is headed by Sir David Bell and Julia Middleton both Common Purpose grandees - other interesting elitests include Robert Peston BBC economic and Common Purpose guru.

Supporter funders include Sainsbury, Rothschild and the Guardian Media Group, plus numerous 'do good' trusts and foundations.

Who are these people and what is their real agenda?

The MST 'Hacked off' campaign - "We support the establishment of a full public inquiry into phone hacking and other forms of illegal intrusion by the press", is actually attacking the Press Complaints Commission, free press and media. The inference is that the Common Purpose controlled MST should take over from the Press Complaints Commission.

The Guardian newspaper broke the story of the hacking of Milly Dowler's voicemail on 4th July 2011.

The Media Standards Trust was quick off the mark, setting up hackinginquiry.org on 5th July 2011.

But the domain name 'hackinginquiry.org' had been apparently been registered a couple of weeks previously on 15 June 2011.

Could it be that MST knew the hacking scandal was to break? Or could it be that MST is actually stirring the hacking scandal so as to allow Common Purpose MST to assume power as the Media Regulator? Meanwhile Common Purpose Cameron appoints Common Purpose Sir David Bell and Common Purpose Shami Chakrabati (of LSE Ghaddafi funding fame) to investigate the phone hacking. Davy Cameron reassures us they are independent.

Brian Gerrish's blog

Watch Edge Media

Missed it? Don’t worry, here are some repeat broadcasts:

