Monday, February 28, 2011

We Know Who You Are!

"Anyone who knows the work Brian Gerrish is doing, will appreciate how he stunned the ex military yesterday.

Young and old alike were amazed at the revelations they heard.

Some of these men have seen their friends and comrades shot down or blown to pieces, they thought they were doing their duty to protect us, the British people.

Now they know differently and they are not amused!

We know who the traitors are, and now they know!

This country is on the brink of total destruction, but with guys like these behind us we will succeed in saving Britain.

Look out bad guys, we know who you are and we will come for you! "

by Bill and Jed.

Ex Forces GB Stunned Into Action!

Veterans attending Brian Gerrish`s lecture at The Imperial Hotel Blackpool yesterday, were stunned with the facts that they, their families and the whole country is being systematically betrayed & destroyed by the Political Elite holding Office in the United Kingdom!

Veterans sat in a stunned silence as Lt Cdr .Brian Gerrish produced the facts for an audience of ex forces veterans showing how they & their country have been betrayed by a greedy, nasty, treasonous Political Elite!

You could hear a pin drop as Lt Cdr Gerrish advised these veterans, many who had fought for Queen & Country were now being betrayed by the incumbents of the Palace of Westminster. An intricate web of deceit, lies, bullying & betrayal!

Lt Cdr Gerrish showed irrefutable evidence of how the Political Elite of the UK are systematically dismantling & destroying our country!

Leaked documents from the heart of cabinet were produced & show in graphic & uneasy detail exactly how these nasty, dangerous individuals, deep within The heavily guarded walls of the Palace of Westminster are subverting The Constitution, destroying our democracy and continuing to hand over our country to a Foreign Power.

Lt. Cdr. Gerrish stated, "This is very real, these people are very nasty, very dangerous! It is YOUR families, your children & grand children who will suffer."

A Veterans spokesman vowed "We will not stand back and allow our country to be destroyed from the inside. All of these guys have fought for their country. They will fight again!"

We were informed that more than one Minibus containing veterans travelling to this meeting were stopped by Police and vehicles impounded leaving all passengers stranded and unable to attend the meeting!
Why are the State so concerned?

Time is indeed running out for us all!

The history of our once great country seemed to be taking a very real and new path yesterday! Our MPs are and should be VERY concerned!

by Nick Green, Westmorland. 26/03/11

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why the Illuminati Tolerate Truthers

By Oiseau Bleu

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
- Christ (Matthew 7:7)

The Illuminati are using the Truth Movement to achieve their one-world government. Their goal is to show the world that all governments are thoroughly corrupt. When the time is correct, THEY will offer their "solution" to replace all of the evil governments.

Listen to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol 3, sub-section 15:

"We have been leading the peoples from one (governmental) disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us (our governments) in favour of that king-despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world."

The strategy of fomenting disillusionment with democracy was also outlined by the Club of Rome. "Democracy will be made to seem responsible for the lagging economy, the scarcity and uncertainties.' This will bring the very concept of democracy into question."

The Truth Movement also creates widespread despair and a sense of hopelessness. We tend to magnify their power and underestimate out own.

The Truth Movement must ALWAYS be wary and ask the two fundamental questions:

1) Where do they want to lead us on any given front?

2) How are they cleverly accomplishing this? (Or closer to home: how are they using you to accomplish this?)


The more time people invest in studying about all of the evil, the less informed they seem to be about solutions which means the less we know about God.

Satan has everyone tricked into spending all their time studying him and his work, instead of studying about the One True God.

Most people have been groomed to stay and continue exposing the evil agenda without offering a working solution. This "infomania" that people have developed keeps them seeking a never-ending supply of "information", which effectively distracts them from finding real solutions to the problems.


Find hope "beyond" information. Information is a stepping-stone with some benefits and usefulness, but it will never set you free.

Tangible solutions for the truth movement -

#1. Recognize your vulnerability to mind-control techniques designed specifically for you. Every person on planet Earth is subjected to an onslaught of satanic mind-control programming. Understand that we are actually mind-controlled to further mind-control one another. "Let's go get a drink..." is just one simple example of that, though there are millions.

#2. Turn off your t.v.'s immediately and disconnect the cable service/connection. This is obvious.

#3. Stop "enjoying" life (like the t.v. people), and replace that with genuine usefulness. Worry when you are enjoying your-"Self" as just another consumer.

#4 Opt out of the System, instead of being beast-feeding busy. Cancel credit cards/loans and stop paying taxes. If done in mass, this would begin strangling the System. Learning to Be calm, at peace, and passive is a prerequisite to effectiveness and harmful to the Beast.

#5 Watch the film "Revolver" (the rooftop scene - part 2 of 4 linked here) over and over till you're certain you get this.

#6 Believe there will be no more chances after this one because God said so. This is final.

Live each moment knowing this, and act accordingly. The Fire is real and Satan is leading to it.

Oiseau Bleu is the pen name of a British activist. -

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chinese thugs threaten Dalai Lama

Chinese Scumbag Jia Qinglin, who sits on the standing committee of the Chinese Communist Party's powerful politburo, has called for a renewed fight against Dalai Lama....

reported here in timely fashion by Britain's wicked, snivelling Big Brother Set-Up -


This is a well-timed threat, from an evil, sly and conniving bunch of Chinese crooks.

These murdering commie scroats – for some insane reason - probably just PURE, UNBRIDLED GREED, are America’s MOST FAVOURED NATION. And Britain’s!

The Tibetan Uprising Anniversary is literally only a couple of weeks away on

the 10th MARCH

Now watch this:

("prison labour!" where all the plastic crap we buy comes from. This is where all the jobs in Britain, Ireland and all the other Western countries have gone! This why we are having the 'cuts!')

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Middle East Riots - Who Benefits?

Though it is a carefully guarded secret, the Rothschilds and their associates own most the shares in the central banks (Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence, Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 1976, Charts 1-5) (Mullins, Eustice Secrets of the Federal Reserve 1983). With extremely little government input, the economies of Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, and Algeria are strictly controlled by the Rothschild’s central banks and their International Monetary Fund.



Islamic banks have been eating into Rothschild profits in the Middle East because: they don’t charge interest (Shariah Law), they are growing very rapidly among the world’s exploding Muslim populations, and (in these catastrophic economic times) they are more stable than western banks.

While it is a very good thing that people are freed from the tyranny of dictators, they also need to be freed from the tyranny of economic control and serfdom. The relevant moral question is: Do the means justify the end?

Ben Ali's son-in-law El Materi at the opening of his Zitouna Bank, North Africa's first Islamic bank, last May

Deposed Tunisian President Ben Ali’s son-in-law, Sakher El Materi, opened Tunisia’s first Islamic bank, Zitouna Bank, on May 26, 2010. Zitouna Bank is the first Islamic bank in the Maghreb region [North Africa]. The bank was a first step toward Ben Ali’s new program of extensive reforms, “Tunisia, a Pole for Banking Services and a Regional Financial Centre”, which would have undermined the power and the profits of the Central Bank of Tunisia (privately-owned by the Rothschilds and their associates).

Tunis Financial Harbour opened last October 19. Its the first offshore finance centre in North Africa.

The Telegraph (October 19 2010) reported on the opening of the megaproject Tunis Financial Harbour –President Ben Ali’s bid to make Tunisia the regional financial centre of North Africa and beyond: “Islamic investment bank Gulf Finance House (GFH) and the Tunisian government have created the first offshore finance centre in North Africa. The centre will be part of Tunis Financial Harbour, a $3 billion waterfront development in Tunis . . . GFH, which is based in Bahrain, hopes the centre will allow Tunisia to take advantage of its strategic position on the Mediterranean sea, and operate as a bridge between the EU and the rapidly growing economies of North Africa [and subSaharan Africa].”

“However, despite the current poor climate, the potential for Islamic banking in Egypt is huge, and one should expect more moves from Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank into Egypt, possibly in the form of a buyout,” Executive Magazine (Feb 8 2011) reports, “A recent Middle East Business Intelligence report said it best, when it opined, ‘If Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank can make a success of offering Islamic products, the whole market will open up. We have already seen some of the local banks start to advertise their Islamic products in view of the competition for customers they see about to begin.’

“Clearly Islamic banks in the Gulf are already anticipating the day when their home markets are saturated. And it appears that Egypt will be on the next front-line in the development of regional Islamic banking and finance.”

“African countries such as Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan are keen on future sukuk exercises (issuing Islamic bonds). Gambia debuted with a US$166m sukuk deal, privately sold in the US in 2006.” [International Finance Review (Reuters), 2008]

The New York Times article “Islamic banking rises on oil wealth, drawing non-Muslims” ( November 22, 2007) reported: “Rising oil wealth is lifting Islamic banking – which adheres to the laws of the Koran and its prohibition against charging interest – into the financial mainstream. . . . In addition to Islamic loans, there are Islamic bonds, Islamic credit cards . . . Loans and bonds that conform to the Koran are already available in the United States. . . .

“’This is an industry on its way from a niche industry to becoming a truly global industry,’ said Khawaja Mohammad Salman Younis, the managing director for operations in Malaysia for Kuwait Finance House, the world’s second-largest Islamic bank. ‘In the next three to five years you’ll see Islamic banks coming out in Australia, China, Japan and other parts of the world.’

“In Islamic banking, financiers are required to share borrowers’ risks, meaning that depositors are treated more like shareholders, earning a portion of profits. Financing deals resemble lease-to-own arrangements, layaway plans, joint purchase and sale agreements, or partnerships.

“The stampede into Islamic finance is mostly an effort to tap an estimated $1.5 trillion of funds sloshing around the Middle East, largely from higher oil prices. . . .Those investments have helped ignite an economic revival throughout the Muslim world at a time of increasing religious conservatism among Islam’s 1.6 billion faithful. A result is expanding demand for financial services that adhere to Islamic law . . .

“And while the biggest Islamic banks are in the wealthy Gulf states, the most attractive potential markets are in Turkey and North Africa (emphasis added) and among European Muslims. . . .

“. . . even non-Muslims are taking advantage of a growing range of Islamic products offering competitive returns. For instance, David Ong-Yeoh, a public relations executive tired of fretting over the rising interest rate on his adjustable rate mortgage, refinanced to a 30-year fixed loan from an Islamic financial institution. Now, he pays regular installments that include a predetermined profit margin for the bank.

“’The terms are better than on conventional loans,’ said Ong-Yeoh, 41.

“Islamic finance also avoids other prohibited practices. Shariah-compliant bankers cannot receive or provide funds for anything involving alcohol, gambling, pornography, tobacco, weapons or pork. Proponents of Islamic banking say these are limits any socially conscious investor can support, Muslim or not. They also envision wider appeal for Islamic banking’s ban on interest, which stems from the Koran’s prohibition against usury.

“This is a view that has a long religious and historical tradition. Interest is repeatedly condemned in the Bible. Aristotle denounced it, the Romans limited it, and the early Christian church prohibited it. . . .

“The belief that all interest charges are unjust now underpins Islamic finance. . . .Hoarding is frowned upon in the Koran, so savings earn no return unless put to productive use.

“’Money should be used for creating better value in the country or the economy,’ Maraj said. ‘Money cannot generate money.’

“Nor can Islamic banks simply trade money. ‘In the Islamic finance model, the banks are supposed to mobilize funds through a fund management concept,’ said Rafe Haneef, head of Islamic banking in Asia for Citigroup.

“Indeed, Islamic banking is supposed to function more like private equity firms than conventional banking. ‘Private equity is an Islamic concept,’ Haneef said.

“Industry proponents say this risk-sharing requirement helps reduce the kind of abuses that led to the subprime mortgage mess in the United States. Scholars consider it un-Islamic to overload a customer with debt or invest in a company with excessive debt.”

The Washington Post, “Islamic Banking: Steady In Shaky Times” (Oct 31 2008), reported: “As big Western financial institutions have teetered one after the other in the crisis of recent weeks, another financial sector is gaining new confidence: Islamic banking. Proponents of the ancient practice, which looks to sharia law for guidance and bans interest and trading in debt, have been promoting Islamic finance as a cure for the global financial meltdown.

“This week, Kuwait’s commerce minister, Ahmad Baqer, was quoted as saying that the global crisis will prompt more countries to use Islamic principles in running their economies. U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert M. Kimmet, visiting Jiddah, said experts at his agency have been learning the features of Islamic banking.

“Though the trillion-dollar Islamic banking industry faces challenges with the slump in real estate and stock prices, advocates say the system has built-in protection from the kind of runaway collapse that has afflicted so many institutions. For one thing, the use of financial instruments such as derivatives, blamed for the downfall of banking, insurance and investment giants, is banned. So is excessive risk-taking.

“’The beauty of Islamic banking and the reason it can be used as a replacement for the current market is that you only promise what you own [contrast to western banks fractional reserve system]. Islamic banks are not protected if the economy goes down — they suffer — but you don’t lose your shirt,’ said Majed al-Refaie, who heads Bahrain-based Unicorn Investment Bank.

“The theological underpinning of Islamic banking is scripture that declares that collection of interest is a form of usury, which is banned in Islam. In the modern world, that translates into an attitude toward money that is different from that found in the West: Money cannot just sit and generate more money. To grow, it must be invested in productive enterprises.

“’In Islamic finance you cannot make money out of thin air,’ said Amr al-Faisal, a board member of Dar al-Mal al-Islami, a holding company that owns several Islamic banks and financial institutions. ‘Our dealings have to be tied to actual economic activity, like an asset or a service. You cannot make money off of money. You have to have a building that was actually purchased, a service actually rendered, or a good that was actually sold.’

“Islamic bankers describe depositors as akin to partners — their money is invested, and they share in the profits or, theoretically, the losses that result. (In interviews, bankers couldn’t recall a case in which depositors actually lost money; this shows that banks put such funds only in very low-risk investments, they said.)”

It is easy to see why the Rothschilds and their network of conventional western banks would be threatened by competition from the more appealing, more conservative Islamic banks.......


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Parthenon and Acropolis For Sale

Could Greek historic sites like these be moved to Arizona, Disneyland or a Florida theme park?

Well, years ago a London bridge was!

Everything is up for sale in apparently clapped-out, cash-strapped, poor old Europe,

Meanwhile old Queenie, Madge - whatever – Britain’s ignorant crowned traitor (paid-off by the EU ‘farming’ hand-outs!) who doesn’t even answer letters properly anymore, seems to have loads of (our) money to burn for Prince Slimey’s ‘posh’ wedding this April!

I know - let's flog off Stonehenge? And Buckingham Palace - for the 'cuts'!

Iceland- A Decent Man

Iceland's President calls Referendum

President of Iceland, Olafur R Grimsson, file pic 2010

Iceland’s President Olafur R. Grimsson will give his country’s voters the final say on repaying about $5 billion in debts owed to the U.K. and the Netherlands to cover depositor claims. (HE'S RIGHT!)

Mr Grimsson said it was important that the public had its say (HE'S RIGHT!)

Iceland's president has called a referendum on the latest plan to repay the UK and Netherlands the 4bn euros (£3.36bn) they lost when the Icesave bank collapsed.

President Olafur Grimsson said the new deal, which was approved by parliament last week, requires public approval. (HE'S RIGHT!)

It is the second time in just over a year that Mr Grimmson has vetoed an Icesave deal and demanded a referendum. (HE'S RIGHT!)

Grimsson’s announcement yesterday that he won’t sign a depositor accord struck between the three countries’ governments in December follows lawmaker approval of the bill. He told reporters he was responding to popular demand for a referendum after more than 42,000 of Iceland’s 318,000 inhabitants signed a petition asking him to block the accord. Forty-four of the Reykjavik-based parliament’s 63 lawmakers voted for the bill on Feb. 16.

“There is support for the view that the people should once again, as before, act together with the parliament as the legislator in this matter,” Grimsson said.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Alex Jones 'Pole Shift, Weather Modification'

Are you aware of the controversy (storm in a teacup) over the recent Alex Jones – pole shift – weather modification melodrama? here is the lady in question on George Noory

I tracked down this, very quickly I might add, so can it be that ‘secret?’ This is the ‘weather modification document’ read it here.

It seems to be a comment about the validity and future of insurance, and ‘gambling’ in the stock market, when some people/institutions may inside info on what’s about to happen weather-wise – floods, typhoons, tsunami, earthquakes, etc. Alex replies to his critics

Having looked again at the document, I then went to this interesting paper that was referenced. It is an old US Air Force Document from 1996 which you might find interesting:

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 or web-search Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025


2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or

events,other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frankenfood Push from US

Deputy US Trade Representative Miriam Sapiro (is GM food kosher, Miriam?) is meeting with European Union trade commissioner Karel De Gucht's senior officials.

The EU stands accused of "flouting" WTO rules, with some member states and regions having banned crop production unilaterally, or declared themselves GM-free, and products containing traces also blocked at ports.

The US wants to push Europe on GM foods ...

Were you aware that the EU already pays a 'Fine' of 150million Euro per year to the World Trade Organisation for refusing to import Growth Hormone (rbGH) contaminated beef?

When will they get it? We don't want this GM CRAP!

Cameron's Big Society, by Etzioni


From the Jan 20th Communitarian Newsletter #39:
The Big Society—Beyond Trivia and Public Relations

Critics of the Big Society point to the following anecdote to show that this grand communitarian concept is either trivial or a public relations stunt. A road sign, erected by the government, was repeatedly stolen by pranksters. The mayor asked the members of the community to make donations to buy a new sign. Many did, and the money was used to erect a sign that was much better anchored and hence less likely to be stolen.

Critics, who see in this incident evidence that volunteerism does not amount to much, disregard that volunteers can and do make major contributions to major societal missions. Thus in the United States, over 70% of firefighters are volunteers, and many small communities rely on volunteer first aid squads to handle medical emergencies. On the international front, organizations like Doctors without Borders allow medical professionals to provide aid to underserved parts of the world, and Habitat for Humanity relies on volunteers to build homes for needy families. And the amount of donations made by volunteers is far from trivial. For instance, voluntary donations by Americans to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti amounted to more than $1.3 billion, which compares quite favorably to the amount given by China, namely $15.5 million.

Moreover, one should not take lightly the benefits to the volunteers and donors, above and beyond the benefits to those to whom they reach out. When 400,000 citizens in Seattle, Washington learned to do CPR (nearly one in two), they befriended other volunteers. Such programs are one of the reasons Seattle is one of the friendliest, most communitarian places in the U.S. And social scientists found that when citizens participate in discharging a mission, their expectations are adjusted to the economic and political constraints all such projects face. Thus, they are much less likely to hold that if the government merely put its mind to a given mission, say, cutting fraud and abuse, it would be accomplished in a jiffy. They learn from first-hand experience that progress involves much more effort than it first seems and appreciate much more what is gained. In short, they become better— more reasonable and satisfied—citizens.

Even if one views all volunteerism as Lite Communitarianism, a key component of the Big Society program draws on a societal design that can do heavy lifting; namely, turning over important segments of government work to independent trusts of practitioners, say, health care professionals or educators. For example, the Big Society program calls for setting up “co-ops” of physicians and other health care professionals that will be granted a fixed budget to provide services for a given population in a given area, but with the freedom to allocate these resources in ways they deem will best serve (within broad but enforced national guidelines—for instance, they cannot use these funds to increase their fees beyond some agreed-upon limits). This approach is not driven by volunteerism but is financed by the state, indeed by taxpayer funds. And it involves professionals carrying out their work, not some after-hours mission. The decisions they are making as a group are part of their workday, although these are made much easier than they used to be when the same professionals were all part of the NHS, because now they can proceed with much less red tape and much less need to deal with various layers of government. The same holds for trusts of educators who run schools more or less the way charter schools are run in the United States.

Finally, savings to the public budget come in one obvious and one not-so-obvious way. Obvious savings are generated by the fact that the trusts are granted a fixed amount of money to work with, and they realize that if they need to increase expenditures on some items, it is up to them to find cuts elsewhere. The door is closed to what used to be done in the old days: seek to compel the government to cough up more funds. Less well known is the observation that various local groups are willing to accept some limited cuts in their budgets in return for the much greater autonomy they are granted under the Big Society in the ways they employ these funds.

The Big Society is no panacea or cure-all. However, it can serve to build up the third leg of a good society, the communities, and draw less on the other two: the government and the market.

By Amitai Etzioni

Anti-Christ will come from Britain

Imran Hosein on The Dajjal / Anti-Christ.

The Anti-Christ will come from Britain, according to this imam from Trinidad and Tobago.

Riba is Usary – one form is borrowing and lending money on interest

Another form is transactions based on deception.

Very interesting.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oxbridge Shame

Britain's evil universities are determined to stop ordinary young people from bettering themselves through higher education.

What is the common purpose of all this?

Clearly, 'No Riff-Raff Need Apply.'

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Shocking Abuse of Vulnerable People in Britain

Legalising assisted suicide would make the elderly even more exposed to abuse

In the last 48 hours there have been two reports of the shocking level of abuse of vulnerable people in Britain today:
  1. Researchers from the University of Manchester's centre for social ethics and policy found that at least 400, and maybe up to 1,200, more people died than would have been expected at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, according to investigations in 2009 and 2010. The research highlighted the fact that patients were abandoned without food, drink or medication.
  2. The Daily Mail found that between 2005 and 2009 in England and Wales, 667 care home residents died of dehydration and 157 died of malnutrition.
I am sure that an anti-life mentality has contributed to the death-toll. The British government, parliament, courts and medical establishment have all undermined protection for the sick, elderly and disabled through:
These changes, combined with the influence of pro-euthanasia advocates in academia and the media, has contributed to a mentality which acquiesces in neglecting certain categories of people to death. With this mentality so prevalent in law, policy and opinion, it would be highly dangerous for parliament to legislate in favour of assisted suicide. Such legislation, however seemingly water-tight any safeguards might appear, will create an even wider scope for abuse to go undetected. Human nature being what it is, abusers will exploit any lowering of protection by testing and breaking the limits of that protection. This generation owes it to its parents and grandparents to hold the line against the culture of death.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt, How Spontaneous?

I do not know anything about the chaos in Egypt but saw a reference to this interesting article on the UK Column online,

DEBKAfile: “If this is true, the Western observers who have concluded that the protesters have no leaders and are propelled into the streets purely by rage against the regime may not have the full story. The movement does have a leader whose identity is known to Washington and the demonstrations' ringleaders – but not to Mubarak or his security services….”

Last sentence:

“...the Muslim Brotherhood called for the peaceful transfer of power, thereby offering a bridge to span Obama's call for national dialogue and the people's demand for change.”

So how spontaneous is this uprising? Hmmm! The Muslim Brotherhood sounds more hardline Muslim, might it make women cover up and stop touristy fun like belly dancing, and western clothing, etc? I don’t know, just found this though: