Friday, December 31, 2010

The Nation Wreckers

‘The Nation Wreckers’ by YouKnowIAmRight, a Brian Gerrish fan!

1) False Idols, Pervert and Hero Worship.

2) False Idols, Pervert and Hero Worship.

3) False Politicans, UK and US.

4) Coming soon!

Wow! By George, I think he’s got it!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Queen's Xmas message

Is the Queen really a monarch? Does she really represent a balancing influence on the British Government, reigning the politicians in, and keeping the British people - her people, free from a tyrant being able to take-over Britain?
What is her role?
Why are we giving this woman and her office the respect she commands, when she clearly is not doing her job? That job is not opening galas, waving her gloved hand, accepting bouquets, and wearing attractive dresses and hats at Buckingham Palace garden parties. Her job is protecting us!
It is clear now that she is nothing more than just an over-paid actress, she proved this when she read out her Xmas message a few days ago. And the scripts she is being given to read these days are getting more and more crappy and corny. I always believed (naively it's true!) that the Xmas message was something she composed herself with her private secretary and advisors. It is common knowledge that her speech on the opening of Parliament is written by the government, but I did not realise until now that the Queen's Xmas message is pure government propaganda too!
Would the Queen, off her own bat, talk about sport, the Olympics and "communities?"
Yes, she said the dreaded "C" word on tv and radio - "communities"!!!!
Sounds more like Cameron or Blair to me!
Now I have heard it all, a New Age BUZZWORD - straight from our monarch's mouth, a very old lady using a New Age BUZZWORD! And talking about it!
Pull the other one! "The British monarchy today is worse than Adolph Hitler.."

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas! Be an outpost of happiness.

I'd say "Happy Holidays" but last time I looked, there were no other holidays at the end of December. The fact that a majority Christian country must downplay the celebration of Christ's birth is yet another example of the Illuminati's subtle satanic control over mankind.

Almost everything we seek is a poor substitute for what we really crave, possession of our own soul. We never experience ourselves as spirit because we are taught to seek an illusory material or carnal substitute. Christ represented the Truth within. For Christmas, I am re-posting a popular article from 2007 about finding it.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

[Memo to Myself]

This isn't about storing silver coins or canned food or getting an AK-47.

It's about saving your soul, not your skin. It's about the tendency to obsess on the New World Odor, get depressed and become unbearable.

The situation is depressing. A satanic cult controls the credit of the world and rules through myriad proxies. It is determined to destroy civilization and institute an Orwellian police state.

You spend your hours addictively watching for new developments. Your face is pressed up against the shop window of the world.

You are "externalized." You can't go into the kitchen without switching on the radio.

You try to squeeze your sustenance from the world. But much of what you imbibe is poisonous: depravity, corruption, duplicity and tragedy. (Is that the point of the mass media? To demoralize and brutalize?)

Mankind is in the grip of a diabolical force that constantly strives to legitimize itself through deception. You can't overcome this demon. But you still control your personal life. Ultimately, the battle is for the soul of humanity. Why not begin by defending your own?

This means erecting a wall between the soul, and the world, and establishing a balance between the sacred and the profane. You need to shut out the world (the profane) for set periods of time and focus on what inspires you. That means turning off the TV, Internet and media in general.

Just as you nourish your body with food, you feed your soul with thoughts, sights and sounds. Your soul reaches out for beauty, grace, harmony, truth and goodness. You become what you think about.

What lifts your spirit? It might be a long walk, nature, hobby, sport, or music. It might be time with your family or friends. It might be the Bible, religious writing or meditation.

"Do what you love," Henry David Thoreau said. "Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw at it still."

You agree with the mystics who say happiness is within. It involves the possession of your soul, and not wanting anything else. By looking outside your self, you displace your soul and become addicted to the thing you want. This is the source of unhappiness.

The occult elite controls us with sex and money- the North-South of the mind. The courtship stage is a period when sexual feelings are strong so two people will bond and start a family. Sex/romance were not meant to become a lifelong preoccupation and panacea.

The same is true of money. The stock market is a giant casino addicting millions. The central banking cult has unlimited funds. To make us feel good, (while it trashes civil rights and wages senseless war) it makes the market go up. To fleece us, it crashes the market. Don't be their puppet.

The diabolical powers have been here for a long time. You have discovered their existence only because they signaled their endgame on Sept. 11.

Don't let them stunt or degrade you by obsessing on their iniquity. Restore balance by attuning yourself to the things you love. Be an outpost of happiness.


Part Two: Making Your Own Heaven

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Xmas Luna Ticks


Woke up this morning to see a lunar eclipse over the frozen English countryside. Ancient people made a big deal out of such natural occurances but eclipses are fairly frequent and unremarkable events simply caused by the paths of the Moon, Earth and Sun crossing occasionally, causing a fleeting shadow or blocking each other out for a minute or two. Pretty, in a whimsical way, but nothing more.

Loads of exaggerated nonsense on the Web on about how "interesting" this particular one is.
A full moon, a lunar eclipse and the winter solstice all at once - Whoopee!
It will be interesting to see how many pagans, Druids and assorted lunatics (lunatics! get it?) make it to the stones to prance about - but not naked though if they have any sense!

Snow covers Stonehenge in Wiltshire

It's unnaturally cold here in Britain (thanks to British Petroleum 's after-effects in the Gulf Stream/Loop Current) so they might not get to Stonehenge in great numbers this Winter after all.
Oh dear, I seems I was right, Stonehenge - closed on the Solstice - due to the Snow!

OF COURSE, the REAL LUCIFARIANS have MUCH TO CELEBRATE! Congratulations to the Bilderbergers!

It looks like you may have finally done it! Well Done! Have a Happy, Greedy, Selfish Christmas break, worshipping your Kabbalistic Satan/ Lucifer - God of Hate, Destruction and Garbage!

CELEBRATE! You ugly, money-worshipping fools!

And, what a wonderful New Year you inbred maniacs have ahead of you, trashing nature; you may have even finally succeeded in altering weather patterns across the Earth, you are proving yourselves to be GREEDY, IRRESPONSIBLE VANDALS ON A GIANT SCALE. 2 days ago

How you psychos are going to be dealt with though, this is the question?
God/ Karma/Fate/Us, may be working on just that, right now, who knows?

"....Queen Elizabeth II fronts for the Rothschilds. She is the largest landowner on Earth. She is Head of State of the United Kingdom and of thirty one other states and territories, and is the legal owner of 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the Earth's land surface. A conservative estimate of the value of the Crown Temple syndicate's land holding, under the Queen's signature, is £17.6 trillion. The Queen's syndicate land holdings are based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in each of those countries. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on Earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on Earth with 1,900 million acres, Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres, and the UK with 60 million acres. Elizabeth Windsor and her covert syndicate in London are the world's largest landowners by a significant margin....." Royal impersonator

South Africa, A Chilling Note

Posted on 05 December 2010

Lindley – A chilling message written in Sotho on a piece of cardboard saying “We have killed them. We are coming back”, was found on the gate of the farm where three people were brutally killed on Thursday.

The victims of the murders were Attie Potgieter, 40, his wife Wilna, 36, and their 3-year-old daughter Willemien. It was suspected that little Willemien was shot so that she wouldn’t be able to identify her parents’ killers.

After her mother was killed, little Willemien was presumably taken to an outside room and shot in the back of the head.

The body of Willemientjie, as she was called, was then apparently carried to her mother’s body in the main bedroom. Her mother had also been shot in the back of the head.

Willemien’s body was found with a little pink ribbon still tied in her hair.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Britain's Racist Student Fees

The injustice of these Welsh and Scottish student fees is grotesque. Soon the English will insist on THEIR rights.

By Stephen Glover 02/12/10

There is a smug political consensus that (Blair's New Labour) Devolution has worked stunningly well.

So well that Tories, Lib Dems and Labour have joined forces in proposing to hand over more power to the Scottish Parliament. But what is the test of success?

Devolution is creating disparities in public services between the ­constituent parts of the United ­Kingdom. Nowhere are these ­differences more striking than in the area of tuition fees.

Hitherto they have been anomalous. They are about to become grotesque.

Throughout England, students are protesting at being asked to pay £9,000 a year in tuition fees — roughly three times what is paid at the moment.

They are understandably frightened at the prospect of building up sizeable debts, which for those earning over the threshold of £21,000 a year will entail a substantial repayment every month.

This is a big deal for many people…..”

“The rich will be all right, and the poor will be exempted. But everyone else will live under a new shadow of debt as a result of having had a university education.

Unless you live in Scotland or Wales. If you are Scottish, and attend a ­Scottish university, you will continue to pay nothing.

If you are Welsh, and attend a Welsh or an English ­university, you will pay the current tuition fees of £3,290 a year.

Free for Jock. No increases for Taffy.

A rise of 200 per cent for John Bull.

Does that seem fair?

Fellow citizens of the United Kingdom will leave ­university, and start to earn their ­living, in drastically different ­financial circumstances. They will pay — at any rate for the time being — the same income tax and the same Vat. They will work for ­companies paying the same rate of ­corporation tax throughout Great ­Britain. But, depending on which part of the United Kingdom they come from, they may incur no debt, some debt, or an awful lot of debt as a result of attending university.

This is so unjust and so irrational a state of affairs that I marvel how ­ministers in the Coalition can sleep at night….”

“There is not only tuition fees apartheid. There is also health apartheid.

Relative to its ­population, Scotland has 80 per cent more nurses, ­midwives and health visitors than ­England. It also has nearly 50 per cent more ­doctors and dentists than England.

Prescriptions are free in Wales. Already reduced, they will soon be free in Scotland.

A number of expensive cancer drugs, as well as a drug for rheumatoid ­arthritis that costs £9,000 a year, have been licensed for NHS use in ­Scotland but not in England.

The inequity admittedly can happen in reverse, so that ­cancer drugs available in England have in one or two instances not been prescribed in Scotland.

Health apartheid has ­undoubtedly caused ­resentment in England, ­particularly among those who live close to the ­borders with Wales and ­Scotland, and are unable to enjoy the free or cheaper p­rescriptions ­available in those countries.

Tragically, a gradual ­breaking apart of the Union is the likely eventual ­consequence of imposing much heavier fees on English students

Cabbage Patch Cameron:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Crisis Capitalism, BP Oil Disaster - Jessie Ventura

Former Minnesota Governor (and Pro Wrestler!) Jessie Ventura

Insider Dealing? Crisis capitalism?
Trashing and destroying, creating hellish, demonic mayhem on purpose, just to make money? The Twin Towers? Gulf of Mexico oil rig?
Elsewhere – and who’s next?

Are Psychopathic Criminal M/Billionaires making money from deliberately causing disaster, benefitting fraudulently from the insurance and then charging an absolute fortune to the public to clean up the appalling mess have deliberately created?

British Petroleum? Haliburton?

Who are the crooks laughing all the way to the bank?

Conspiracy? Fraud & Theft? Mass-Murder?

Eco-Crime? Crimes Against Humanity?

War Crimes? Racketeering?,_Follow_the_Money_Trail.html

Muad' Dib (A.J. Hill) awaits trial in UK

Another threat to us all is now behind bars in Britain for "helping" a judge:

Several weeks ago, the Supreme Court of Ireland proved to everyone just how corrupt they are when they extradited A.J. Hill, also known to supporters as "Muad'Dib", for mailing DVDs of His Film, the "7/7 Ripple Effect" to a U.K. courthouse.

A.J. Hill is now in prison in the U.K., awaiting trial there. He faces the possibility of life in prison if convicted of the ludicrous charge of "...intending to pervert the course of justice..." for telling the truth to prevent a miscarriage of justice. When did telling the truth become a crime? Life in prison for telling the truth?

If you are touched by this true story, you are probably wondering what you can do. We need to unite and continue to get the truth out to as many people as will listen.

A.J. Hill produced the "7/7 Ripple Effect" documentary film to expose the British government's official cover-up of the July 7, 2005 London tube-train bombings. He then had the spiritual backbone to send DVDs to a U.K. courtroom to correct the judge and the QC barrister's attempt to mislead the jury during the trial of the three accused. All three men have since been found not guilty on those charges, but the British government is so embarrassed that it is punishing A.J. Hill for making the film and trying to silence him by throwing him in
prison. This is a clear cut case of malicious political prosecution.

The DVDs of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" should have been received as an Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief, as they were intended, to prevent a miscarriage of justice. Anyone with an open-mind who watches the film, which is less than an hour in length and uses only mainstream media reports, should be able to see that A.J. Hill's Intentions were pure and truthful.

Anyone with an open-mind who researches this case should be appalled to learn that NOT ONE SINGLE JUDGE IN IRELAND VIEWED THE DVD BEFORE CONCLUDING THAT A.J. HILL'S INTENTIONS WARRANTED EXTRADITION. How could a court determine his Intentions without ever viewing the DVD?

The only reasonable explanation is that the Irish Courts were under direct orders from the British crown to hand A.J. Hill over to silence Him and make an example of him.

If you doubt that things are really this bad, please study this case. See for yourselves. This is NOT about DVD's, it is about THIS DVD:- "7/7 Ripple Effect", which can also be downloaded for free at

If you already know that things are this bad, and are looking for ways to help, please get involved. Get the word out to others, both about this case and about the film. If you have the facilities to do so, please make copies of the "7/7 Ripple Effect" and give them out to everyone you know. Forewarned is forearmed, but time is running out, as this gross injustice should hopefully prove to everyone.

Wake-up Fremen/Free-men. It is time to follow Muad'Dib's Example and fight for what is right in God's Eyes. If you won't stand up for someone else now, who will be left to stand up for you when they come to imprison YOU for telling the truth?

Release AJ Hill Campaign Blog

Debra can be reached at

latest interview:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Assange and Snipes

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks

Wesley Snipes of 'Blade' fame.

Well tonight we will all sleep a little more safely in our beds, won't we?

Naughty Julian Assange has been arrested and refused bail, for fiddling about on his computer!
And naughty Wesley Snipes has just started a 3 year stretch for getting his taxes in a muddle!

Surely, a stern telling-off and a small fine with a suspended sentence would suffice in both cases?
Has the world gone completely nuts?

Meanwhile, old Queenie and her family's dirty BP investments are wreaking total havoc off the coast of America and plunging an unprepared Europe into an Alaskan nightmare, with people, livestock and wildlife dying like flies.
I know who's arses I'd rather see in jail,

Prince Charles, Camilla
Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, in their car as it is attacked by angry student protesters in London.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brantwood School & RBS NatWest, Hypocrite Scumbag Bank

RBS NatWest, Hypocrite Bank,

Brantwood School, Sheffield.

Bankers 'are being unfairly criticised,'

Oh boo bloody hoo - it’s so sad for them!

By Bob Rae. Published Date: 11 /8 / 2010

Rocketing profits and rising fees, combined with tales of tougher borrowing conditions, increased scrutiny and a lack of lending, have put Britain's banks firmly in the firing line, once again.

But, at RBS NatWest, the taxpayer-owned bank which announced pre-tax half year profits of £1.1billion last week, national head of business and commercial banking, Peter Ibbetson says bankers are being unfairly pilloried. (?!)

Banks are as keen to help as many businesses as possible as the government, politicians and business bodies believe they should be, Mr Ibbetson told Star Business, during a visit to Sheffield.

"We understand that businesses lost confidence in the system and we have to recover that. Businesses have been nervous that banks weren't there to support them and there was a lot of uncertainty," he says. "We are absolutely out there, supporting businesses.
(not a certain school though!)

Mr Ibbetson says there is an issue about demand that has led to government criticism that bank lending to small businesses has fallen.
"In a down cycle, businesses repay borrowings very quickly and in 2009 they were repaying debt about 50 per cent faster than in 2007. What's more, 25 per cent fewer businesses area coming to us for debt and those that are coming are asking for about 25 per cent less than in the up cycle," he says.

He denies that lending criteria have become tighter.

"The criticism is that we have raised the bar, but that is not true," he says.

"We have exactly the same criteria as before, but we are asking more questions now. If we weren't asking more questions in a down cycle, we wouldn't be doing the job properly."

Peter Ibbetson says RBS has done a number of things to boost business confidence and demonstrate it is open for business.
(like asset stripping a school?!)

These include removing the "pay on demand" clause on overdrafts for smaller businesses, capping fees at a maximum of 1.5 per cent for the whole of the year, putting senior staff into a business free of charge for a day to provide advice, launching special regional and manufacturing funds, offering capital payment holidays and setting up a special help line.

Mr Ibbetson argues that the support of the banks, combined with the preparedness of many businesses, has meant that fewer have failed during the current recession than in previous ones, and he defends the rise in lending margins.

"Margins were too fine to recognise the risks banks were taking in the SME sector. We need to price for risk. Margins have gone up by one per cent, but many businesses are still paying less than half what they were paying two years ago," he says. "For every 100 loans we make, we can only get one wrong before we start losing money."

And that emphasises the message Peter Ibbetson is keenest to get over to business borrowers.

"Please come and talk to us, share your plans and financial forecasts with us. We are there to work with you and help you sustain your business in the down cycle.

(unless you are called Brantwood School, of Nether Edge, Sheffield of course – then RBS’ll stuff your little girls good and proper!)

"Whether we go into a 'double dip' or make a gradual exit from recession, we have a way to go and there will be cash flow demand. We are ready to support business," he says.

Don’t like this? Then behave yourself, and stop being a cheat and a liar!

Tough! It’s call FREE SPEECH and having an opinion!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Paying Satan, Cut Backs areTreason -

Austerity (called CUT BACKS in the UK) is simply theft by extortion, and it is treason. Thank you, Your Majesty!

Yes duck, yes - you in the crown and ermine robes, this is treason against your subjects - in case you didn't know it. (As if! )

And new Dark Age is beginning. A neo- feudalistic SURFDOM designed to control us, UNLESS WE ALL TAKE ACTION!

It is the bankers - or us, we don’t have a choice.

The International Monetary Fund will not save us, or any other country, - it will only screw us – that is what it has been created for. That is why it exists.

It is mathematically impossible for the citizens of any country in this world to ever pay off the central mega-banks (the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Irish Republic Bank, etc.) AKA the greedy, psychopathic Royal/Rothchilds!

So why are we as a country even bothering? - Eh Cameron? Eh Blair? Eh Brown? Eh Osborne? Eh Darling?

What is the story of Robin Hood and his followers early all about?

It is about a group of rebels standing up to the tyranny of a royal tax regime.

And are we getting now?

Cut Backs and Austerity! In other words = theft by extortion!








8 The Nazi/Soviet model.

9 Psychopathic murderers