Monday, November 29, 2010

BP's Dirty Secret & the Gulf Stream

BP and the White House have kept a dirty little secret from you for many months: after the well explosion, a major breach in the seabed was discovered, several miles from the well head. The PTB (Powers That Be) have employed the first principal of deception in a magic trick: they have you focused on the "mouse" (the leak at the well head) to keep you from noticing the "elephant" behind it (the rupture of the sea bed.) Thus have the PTB, including the White House and BP, kept the media away from the scene of the crime.

If you think capping a well pipe is difficult, try capping gaping holes (some more than 10 miles long) on the sea bed of the Gulf of Mexico.

It gets worse: there are independent reports from citizen sailors that there are several, perhaps several dozen, huge gashes in the sea floor that are leaking both oil and methane.

"The urgency was created by NOAA's report to Obama stating that the growing numbers of oil spouts (plumes) rising from the ocean floor from new cracks indicate growing pressure."

Reports still indicate that methane is flooding the Gulf waters at a rate one million times more than normal, and the NOAA research vessel, Thomas Jefferson has reported spotting new fissures.

Sources inside the investigation of BP say that the company breached its permit, which limited it to a drilling depth of 14,500 feet, by drilling further than 30,000 feet; despite warnings that drilling that deep could cause create pressure well over safe levels, which would cause the spewing oil to reach a temperature of 500 degrees Fahrenheit, which would cause the frozen methane gas bubbles to melt and send catastrophic amounts of the gas into the ocean and into the atmosphere.

BP, by drilling deeper than approved and atop an enormous bubble of methane likely pricked the high-pressure balloon and has triggered the release of the methane. The escaping methane is now flowing under the sea bed and popping out all over the Gulf of Mexico.

A similar methane release, caused by a natural cycle, ended all life on the planet in the age of the dinosaurs.

Will this release, caused by illegal oil drilling, fulfill many "End Days" prophecies and end all life on Earth? from from Glasgow Truther, September 2010 - from August 2010 the phoney story

However, if the Atlantic Conveyor (Gulf Stream) does continue, because the oil is unstoppable, it will be on its way across the Atlantic to Europe.

It is “the biggest ecological disaster we have ever seen on the face of the earth.”

28th November 2010 - from Glasgow Truther, is he right?

How the Loop Current stopped on July 28th 2010 due to British Petroleum's (liars and crooks?) escapades in the Gulf of Mexico earlier this year where they have created numerous cracks miles long in the seabed which cannot be closed up again unless Obama has the guts (he doesn't?) to atom bomb the seabed, for instance, (as the Russians suggested in the summer.) The Loop Current runs into and becomes the Gulf Stream:

“..They can’t stop this. They have created a nightmare by their corruption and it’s not going to go away. The real question is how fast is this going to come on us?..”

"BP Plc was struggling to seal cracks in its Macondo well as far back as February, more than two months before an explosion killed 11 and spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

It took 10 days to plug the first cracks, according to reports BP filed with the Minerals Management Service that were later delivered to congressional investigators. Cracks in the surrounding rock continued to complicate the drilling operation during the ensuing weeks. Left unsealed, they can allow explosive natural gas to rush up the shaft."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Glass Steagall, put the bankers in their place

It’s Not Ireland, by Mike Robinson.

It’s not a bailout of a country; it's the next phase of the bailout of the banks!

Ireland is not imploding. It is not in trouble as a sovereign nation as such. Ireland is being crushed under the weight of a collapsing City of London/Rothschild banking cartel, namely the Inter-Alpha Group.

We are witnessing a process of general collapse which began in 2007 as a result of forty years of gambling in the great global casino. The events of this past week are a continuation of that process, not a separate event. The bailout of "Ireland" is another stop gap measure which might get us through the next phase of the collapse, but which will have no effect in the long term.

The system is coming down, and its collapse is accelerating. Nothing can stop it, unless we get a grip of the banks and put them in their place. And if we don't put them in their place, the collapse of the financial system will result in the collapse of every nation state in Europe, including the UK. But that's OK, according to von Rompuy, because the days of the Westphalian nation state are over.

Remember what the Treaty of Westphalia said?

"That this Peace and Amity be observ’d and cultivated with such a Sincerity and Zeal, that each Party shall endeavour to procure the Benefit, Honour and Advantage of the other; that thus on all sides they may see this Peace and Friendship ... flourish, by entertaining a good and faithful Neighbourhood."

This is the fundamental principle of cooperation between sovereign nations, not the extreme socialist ideals of the City of London, embodied in the EU, UN, Trilaterals, CFR or the Bilderbergers. It matters not whether the extreme socialism comes in the form of National Socialism, Communism or Communitarianism.

The fix? Its easy. Glass Steagall. The principles enacted in that piece of US legislation worked then to put the bankers in their place, and they can work today.

Put the banks in administration.

Separate high street and investment banking operations.

Set a standard for debt and any debt which does not meet that standard - write it off!

Let the speculators go under.

It's us against them. They would see us dead before they would admit their bankruptcy. They will steal the shirts off our backs in order to protect their interests for a few more days.

Well, time is up. We must act now to stop any more bailout.

Queue up outside your elected representative's surgery and demand legislation similar in intent to Glass Steagall. Tell them in no uncertain terms that the destruction of this nation is a scenario they will be held to account for. Tell them that the British people do not cover other people's gambling debts. Tell them that the house of Rothschild is not sovereign in this country! Put the fear of God into the bankers and any so-called elected representative that is working for them.

And while you're out to see your MP, why not call in at your bank branch and withdraw your money from your account? All of it! Only 3% of the money in circulation is in the form of cash. So it won't take too many people doing this to have a major impact on the banks.

It’s time to start taking the fight to them. Start saying "NO!" Peacefully. Lawfully. Firmly. Pass this as far and wide as you can. Let's get moving on it before its too late.

Cantona: "Kill the banks"

Eric Cantona's call for bank protest sparks online campaign

Thousands of French protesters have taken up the former Manchester United footballer's call for a mass cash withdrawal. On the 7th December 2010.


    Eric Cantona is calling on protesters against cutbacks and pension reforms in France to start a real revolution but we can do it too, by mass bank withdrawals.

    *****7th DECEMBER 2010*****

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Puzzled Gamebirds,

They are not those who used to feed us
When we were young--they cannot be -
These shapes that now bereave and bleed us?
They are not those who used to feed us, -
For would they not fair terms concede us?
- If hearts can house such treachery
They are not those who used to feed us
When we were young--they cannot be!

for Elsie

BP's Monster Rampages on Unchecked

BP and Haliburton, companies "hellbent on avoiding any additional costs in the face of a nightmarish well, ignoring numerous warnings of trouble ahead..."

"..witnesses saw people on the oil rig arguing loudly with BP managers at a remote location about tactics. and then immediately after the disaster happened the same fellow was on the phone yelling at BP people 'I told you so' and 'are you happy now'..."

Matt Simmons said BP is covering up a Massive hole miles away. Now Matt Simmons is DEAD. NASA .

Up to mid July, what does it look like now?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ed. Miliband has used the "C" word in an interview!

Congenital Commie and New Labour leader Ed. Miliband has used the "C" word in an interview!

...A commission on Labour's organisation will be launched at the weekend.

The aim is to turn the party into the "largest community organisation in the country", Mr Miliband said...

The word "community" or the "c" word as I prefer to call it, as used here by Brother Ed, is short for the word Communitarian. We need to know this word, what it really means and where it comes from.;read=105798

And as for the Milibands - or whatever their real family name once was, let's also be absolutely clear as to what their beloved Communism (see the Miliband's family history) really is. It is explained very well here by Chris Everard:

and here:

Are the Milbands agents, actors or just a clan of greedy, useful idiots as described by Julia Middleton of Common Purpose? Or what? Common Purpose.htm

"..from Karl Marx such as ‘useful idiots’ and ‘expert idiots’."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The B.P. / Synthetic Genomics Inc. alliance


B. P. once stood for British Petroleum

Now B.P.’s new image/slogan is ‘Beyond Petroleum.’

The B.P. / Synthetic Genomics Inc. alliance Part 1

New strains of micro organisms, bacteria? Viruses?

JCVI of Rockwell, Maryland – a non- profit (charity),,5597432,00.html Part 2

"Say hello to SYNTHIA," at 5.05 mins. A potential disease, deliberately developed, with computer generated DNA, patented and privately owned? Part 3

Synthetic Bio Remediation, a self-reproducing bacteria that eats oil at an accelerated rate. BP’s new company Synthetic Genomics Vaccines INC.

BP Flu or Blue Flu? At 11.40 mins. A synthetic biological plague! Part 4

“..BP has tried to fool Mother Nature... and she's retaliating with a vengeance that is affecting the entire world. This is a perilous game that has now gotten out of control. What began in the Gulf of Mexico in as early as February 2010 has now escalated into a man-made biological nightmare of unknown proportions…”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WW2 Allied murderers:

The Americans made a distinction between the 4.2 million soldiers captured during the war, who were entitled to the shelter and subsistence called for by the Hague and Geneva Conventions, and the 3.4 million captured in the West at its end. MacDonogh says the latter were classified as "Surrendered Enemy Persons" (SEPs) or as "Disarmed Enemy Persons" (DEPs), and were denied the protections of the Conventions.

He doesn't give a total figure for those who died in American custody, saying "it is not clear how many German soldiers died of starvation." He tells, however, of several situations: "The most notorious American POW camps were the so-called Rheinwiesenlager." Here, the Americans allowed "anything up to 40,000 German soldiers to die from hunger and neglect in the muddy flats of the Rhine."

He says "any attempt to feed the prisoners by the German civilian population was punishable by death." Although the Red Cross was empowered to inspect, "the barbed wire surrounding the SEPs and DEPs was impenetrable." Elsewhere, at "the Pioneers' Barracks in Worms there were 30,000-40,000 prisoners sitting in the courtyard, jostling for space.

With no protection from the rain they froze." The prisoners were starved at Langwasser, and at a "notorious camp" at Zuffenhausen where "for months lunch was turnip soup, with half a potato for dinner.

It would be a mistake to think that a world food shortage caused the United States to be unable to feed its prisoners. Bacque writes that "Captain Lee Berwick of the 424th Infantry who commanded the guard towers at Camp Bretzenheim told me, 'Food was piled up all round the camp fence.' Prisoners there saw crates piled up 'as high as bungalows.'"[10]

The British had a camp in Belgium that "was meant to be particularly grueling." There, "conditions for the 130,000 prisoners were reported to be 'not much better than Belsen' When the camp was inspected in April 1947 there were found to be just four functioning light bulbs there was no fuel, no straw mattresses and no food apart from 'water soup.'"

A Reuters report in December 2005 adds an important dimension: "Britain ran a secret prison in Germany for two years after the end of World War II where inmates including Nazi party members were tortured and starved to death, the Guardian says. Citing Foreign Office files that were opened after a request under the Freedom of Information Act, the newspaper says Britain had held men and woman [sic] at a prison in Bad Nenndorf until July 1947.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Foundation X want to save us!

Who? Why? What? When?

A mysterious foundation....

You might find this very interesting!

This is an excerpt of a transcript from Hansard for the 1st November 2010 column 1538 - House of Lords. If you are unaware of Hansard, it is a record of what is being talked about in the Houses of Parliament.

At this stage, I will refrain from commenting on this transcript and will open up the comment feature, as I would love to hear anyones' opinions about the subject(s) being talked about. This was brought to my attention this morning by a friend and to be honest Hansard is not something I look at now, but this I must admit has certainly got my interest.

Lord James of Blackheath: At this point, I am going to have to make a very big apology to my noble friend Lord Sassoon, because I am about to raise a subject that I should not raise and which is going to be one which I think is now time to put on a higher awareness, and to explain to the House as a whole, as I do not think your Lordships have any knowledge of it. I am sorry that my noble friend Lord Strathclyde is not with us at the moment, because this deeply concerns him also.

For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organisation which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country. For want of a better name, I shall call it foundation X. That is not its real name, but it will do for the moment. Foundation X was introduced to me 20 weeks ago last week by an eminent City firm, which is FSA controlled. Its chairman came to me and said, "We have this extraordinary request to assist in a major financial reconstruction. It is megabucks, but we need your help to assist us in understanding whether this business is legitimate". I had the biggest put-down of my life from my noble friend Lord Strathclyde when I told him this story. He said, "Why you? You're not important enough to have the answer to a question like that". He is quite right, I am not important enough, but the answer to the next question was, "You haven't got the experience for it". Yes I do. I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money.

Baroness Hollis of Heigham: Where did it go to?

Lord James of Blackheath: Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than £1 billion of its money. I have also had extensive connections with north African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue. I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defence witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems.

The point is that when I was in the course of doing this strange activity, I had an interesting set of phone numbers and references that I could go to for help when I needed it. So people in the City have known that if they want to check out anything that looks at all odd, they can come to me and I can press a few phone numbers to obtain a reference. The City firm came to me and asked whether I could get a reference and a clearance on foundation X. For 20 weeks, I have been endeavouring to do that. I have come to the absolute conclusion that foundation X is completely genuine and sincere and that it directly wishes to make the United Kingdom one of the principal points that it will use to disseminate its extraordinarily great wealth into the world at this present moment, as part of an attempt to seek the recovery of the global economy.........

If you scroll through the PDF to the time stamp 10.42pm and column number 1538 you find the section that contains this information. I was advised about this by someone at the House of Lords information office this morning, who helped me find the section that I needed. Thank you whoever you were.


"Poppy Day is a Monstrosity

..because it celebrates death by concentrating on a single act in a persons life.."

Once again it is that time of year when one cannot walk down a high street or turn on the TV without having the Red Poppy waved in ones' face. This celebration of death has sadly taken hold again in recent years after it all but died out, that it comes at a time when the UK State is again involved in military adventures abroad is no accident.
I was a child when veterans of WW1 were still thick on the ground, my own grandfather one of them. Unlike WW2 veterans and their war, I never heard a single one of them say WW1 was worth a single grenadiers life, nor there being anything honorable about being slaughtered like helpless lemmings. Indeed their attitude seemed to be much like those who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, fuck king and country, we fight for each other and them we go home.
My own Granddad who was not political, he regarded all politicians as shysters and from what I could gather his thoughts about WW1 were those of hatred, contempt and bitterness and not for the Germans and Turks he had fought.
One bitter cold winter afternoon when he was ploughing a field, and I clung to the mud guard of the Massey Ferguson tractor with which he hauled the plough, he told me he had never attended a remembrance day and never would, as he had no wish to be in the company of the types who sent him and his mates to fight in a senseless war, to kill blokes much like himself who he had no argument with.

One of the good things about the Irish is their tradition of in death celebrating peoples lives, poppy day is a monstrosity because it does the exact opposite and celebrates death, all be it dressed up in the same type of jingoistic language which lead to the slaughter of a whole generation during WW1. It is ghoulish in the same way as the English death town of Wotton, highlighted and partially manufactured by the very State which stole the lives of the young men who fought in WW1.
I have no wish to insult peoples' beliefs, but I would say celebrating the deaths of countless young people whilst the UK State is currently involved in a similar useless war, is playing a very dangerous game, as it cannot but encourage the war mongers that govern the UK.
Those who support the Royal British Legion's poppy day keep using word’s like 'sacrifice,' and 'our boys,' if they also mentioned the futility and obscenity of most of the wars the UK State has been involved in, I might understand them, but they do not. What was the point of WW1, beyond the elite of the great powers fighting over new markets, etc. The European great powers set the peoples of one nation against another using the most flimsy pretext and then used the most obscene propaganda to instill hatred. Now who does that remind me of?
This word sacrifice is used in this context as some sort of noble act, perhaps someone could explain to me what was noble about going over the top at the Somme like lemmings to the slaughter. Please do not misunderstand me, by saying this I mean no insult to the dead of that war, lions led by donkeys is a just description of these poor souls.
There is an element of blooding in the manner the MSM and the politicians it serves use Poppy Day. If you refuse to agree with the blood sacrifice of countless young people in unesesary wars it is implied you are not only being disloyal but are also insulting the young people who have had their lives stolen in the UK’s military adventures.
Whenever these reactionaries begin to loose the argument, they wheel out WW2, true it was a nesessary war, one of the few the UK State has ever engaged in, but even then it came about due to the crass stupidity of those who led the UK after the end of WW1, when they refused to sign a just peace with Germany, prefering to grind the German people into the ground.

Whilst I respect the reasons given by some for wearing the red poppy, especially if they have lost loved ones whilst serving in the UK numerous military conflicts, I feel we need a better and more inclusive way of commemorating ‘all those’ who lost their lives in wars, as things stand we have a hierarchy of victims headed by and including only the dead of theUK armed forces.
To understand the depth of how powerful elements within the UK use the poppy to make a political statement about current events should take note of the following. Given the history of the North of Ireland, where the poppy is seen by the nationalist population as a sectarian symbol, one would have thought wiser heads within the police force there and the politicos at Stormont would have suggested that an impartial police force, as the PSNI claims to be these days, should avoid wearing poppies in catholic, nationalist and republican areas, not least because they evoke memories of the despised RUC officer, machine gun in one hand, baton in the other, poppy on the helmet.
Apparently not, it seems those within the force and at Stormont who support the wearing of the poppy on the PSNI uniform won that argument. In West Belfast, this resulted in police officers patrolling the streets, where their welcome remains tentative to say the least; with the poppy on show, two weeks before the official appeal kicks off. *
Myself I will remember the unnecessary slaughter and maiming of generations of young people in the UK’s military incursions by joining the Stop The War Afghanistan: Time to Go; national demonstration in London on November 20th.
Although you would not know it by watching, listening, and reading the MSM, like my granddad, many former servicemen and women feel very uncomfortable with poppy day, especially the way it is celebrated these days. In the letter below a group of them point out,
“A day that should be about peace and remembrance is turned into a month-long drum roll of support for current wars.”
Read the full letter below.

Dear Editor

The Poppy Appeal is once again subverting Armistice Day. A day that should be about peace and remembrance is turned into a month-long drum roll of support for current wars. This year's campaign has been launched with showbiz hype. The true horror and futility of war is forgotten and ignored.
The public are being urged to wear a poppy in support of "our Heroes". There is nothing heroic about being blown up in a vehicle. There is nothing heroic about being shot in an ambush and there is nothing heroic about fighting in an unnecessary conflict.
Remembrance should be marked with the sentiment "Never Again".
Ben Griffin (Northern Ireland, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Iraq)
Ben Hayden (Northern Ireland, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Iraq)
Terry Wood (Northern Ireland, Falklands)
Ken Lukowiak (Northern Ireland, Falklands)
Neil Polley (Falklands)
Steve Pratt (Dhofar, Northern Ireland)

* More here.