Sunday, May 31, 2009

Good Riddance.

Sorry, all I can say is "good!"

Burn in Hell, A*s*hole!

Here's what this evil scroat Tiller specialised in:

He went to church but it was just too much for Jesus,

Satan stoke those fires, there's a big fat ugly one coming down.

Comment by Joe in CA in George Tiller was Murdered

Think of Tiller's death as a very late-term abortion. There shouldn't be a problem with that. Is there?

No, I'm wrong, he was killed incorrectly. His head should have been stuffed in a woman's vagina first. Oh well... better luck next time...

Comment by Joe in CA in George Tiller was Murdered

I'm not a christian, but you don't have to be a christian to have morals and to be pro-life. I say, GOOD RIDDANCE. Some people might say that I have a double-standard because I'm both against abortion, but I'm happy this man was finally killed. Just because I'm pro-life doesn't mean that I'm against the death penalty. If you take a life intentionally you are guilty of MURDER, and MURDER should all be punishable by DEATH. I can only imagine the number of babies this man killed.

What an irony that he died in a place of worship. Maybe his god was finally fed up with his hypocricy? I've no sympathy for a man who would dare kill defenseless children in their mothers' wombs. I hear that if the children survived the abortion he'd murder them anyway by sucking their brains out or strangling them to death? This man SICKENS me. GOOD RIDDANCE. This man got what he deserved. So may it be to all murderers of unborn children. Death to them ALL.

To whining "pro-women's rights" people: What about the rights of the child? Or does the child have no rights as long as a doctor keeps its head stuffed in your v*gina? You want something to do with your body? GET A HYSTERECTOMY and STOP KILLING CHILDREN. I'm GLAD this man is dead. Guilty of murder. Justice was done. All such men should be tried this way. Maybe there is a god after all.

Tiller’s widow at her husband’s funeral, looking like a geriatric bridesmaid in a lacy blouse, short puffball skirt and sling backs!!!! Tasteful!

The Threat of Population Control in Australia

A group called Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) is pushing for Australia to adopt a Chinese-style one-child policy, with the aim of reducing Australia’s population of 22 million people to seven million. The groups claims that such a drastic population cut is needed to ensure a sustainable future...

Monday, May 25, 2009

EU & UN Support Repulsive North Korean Communitarian Hell

"....How the secretive Stalinist state got its weapons in the first place - they were paid for by the U.S. government.

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in helping Kim Jong-Il develop North Korea’s nuclear prowess from the mid 1990’s onwards".........

"..North Korea is controlled by a hereditary Stalinist dictatorship that has starved two million of its citizens to death in favor of building a million-man army. Some people put the figure at four million, one-quarter of the population. In the far north of the country there is a network of forced labor gulags where people who have ‘expressed a bland political opinion’ are, along with their entire families, tortured, raped and executed. Horrific bio-chemical experiments are performed on mass numbers of people. Babies are delivered and then stamped to death by the camp guards. If the mother screams while the guards are stamping on the baby’s neck, she is immediately assassinated by a firing squad. These guards are rewarded with bonuses and promotions for ripping out prisoners’ eyeballs.

The North Korean people are enslaved by a government that is using food as a weapon. Perhaps this is why the EU and the United States, via the UN World Food Program, resumed the shipment of hundreds of thousands of tons in food aid at the end of February 2003. This goes directly to the sitting dictatorship, which then decides who gets it by their level of allegiance to the state. Food aid only increases the power of Kim Jong-Il and yet it is veiled by the UN in bleeding heart humanitarian rhetoric. The money goes straight to enabling the North Korean leadership to live in the lap of westernized luxury with casinos and lavish new cars..." Paul Joseph Watson

North Korea

Commie guards in North Korea training for "jumping on babies heads" duty, the cheap form of birth control also much loved by their commie best mates in China! And supported and thoroughly approved of by sick, western goverments.

(Look at these blood-sucking vampires!)

Be careful what you wish for! Vote for Change and your face, or your child's face, could be one of these footballs!

Change can be for the worse as well as for the better. Fuck the Communitarian EU!

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. "
George Orwell

Sunday, May 24, 2009

USA to get USSR-style Subotnik Day?

Here's the perfect example of a Communitarian Program
that continues to grow regardless of who's president:

Some highlights from the Act:
Enables millions of working Americans to serve by establishing a nationwide Call to Service Campaign and a September 11 national day of service, and investing in the nonprofit sector’s capacity to recruit and manage volunteers.
Creates a Social Innovation Fund to expand proven initiatives and provide seed funding for experimental initiatives, leveraging Federal dollars to identify and grow ideas that are addressing our most intractable community problems. (boldface added)

"Not that I'd want to feed the fires of dissent, but didn't DHS recently identify Americans as our most intractable community problem? They're going to use 9/11 to trick or shame us into participating in a National Service Day. Now what kind of person will refuse to help on that
particular day? Imagine the insults applicable to such blatant selfishness, why it's practically criminal irresponsibility to refuse to serve our great nation and honor our lost dead. We need everyone to pull together, become greater than self and serve America. Everyone, no matter how old can find something to do, and every day the government is getting more organized in ways to help everyone find something to do. No one should be allowed to lazily shirk their share of the nation's burden. Our guru Etzioni says our unfettered Rights must be balanced with responsibilities if we want to grow into a moral society, and service work is a requirement of communitarian citizenship. Obama said no hands will remain idle, and he meant it." Niki Raapana.

Sounds like a Subotnik Day to Cheesy!
If you google Subotnik it will be described by some as a holiday and has its roots in a spring cleaning day but that does not quite cover it.
In the USSR there were several Subotnik days in a year, on these days people were expected to work for nothing for the good of The Community. No workers were paid on Subotnik Days, this money went to the State to be spent on "good works" ( apparently, allegedly - whatever! ) locally like new school books, hospitals, etc. The elderly or housewives not at work would be expected to clean up neighbourhood litter, mend a communal fence or paint it, trim shrubbery or something communal - not just in their own garden.
Stirring classical music would belt out all day from loudspeakers all over Soviet towns and villages, and they would all be out there with their brooms sweeping away the snow etc.
A nice idea, a nice thing to do, but it is actually making me feel rather uncomfortable remembering it.

Alan Watt is right. There is nothing new, it has all been done before over and over again down the eons - and it is just dressed up to look modern and innovative as it is presented to us yet again. And most people fall for it hook, line and sinker.

Take young people for example:

And now here in Common Purpose riddled England,

courtesy of the Common Purpose riddled City of Southampton,

Page 6, Junior Wardens:

And in Luton, Islington and Welwyn:

Courtesy of Common Purpose and Deutshe Bank:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Comparison of Size, Stars vs Planets

£40 Million a Day, to EU!

British MPs have been very naughty with their claims for "expenses" and British citizens are very cross about it but when an issue is in the headlines and on the front page of every newspaper day after day, week after week like this, and is the leading report on all news channels - tv and radio, you can’t help thinking the Government are “burying bad news,” and something else much more serious is actually going on, and being masked.

The EU elections are in a few weeks.

The issue of MPs expenses is very conveniently:

1) keeping the fact that the UK gives the European Union £40 MILLION A DAY, out of the news and off the front pages!
(MPs fiddled expenses are a tiny drop in the ocean compared to this scandal!)

2) It is also keeping the Bilderbergers meeting in Greece out of the headlines.

What else I wonder!

Why now?

And I am not the only one who suspects this either!

Thursday, May 14, 2009



Libertas, or Servitudas! or Slave- itas

Liberty? Really! Or do they really mean Servitude and Slavery?

Remember, we all now live in the Hegelian Dialectic - where nothing is what it appears to be! And most things tend to mean their exact opposites, just as predicted in George Orwell's 1984.

Please follow the advice of Brian Gerrish and vote for anyone who is anti- EU or, at least not one of the big 3, the Lib.Lab.Con. Trick


I have just looked at the Libertas website

It is bright blue and covered in yellow stars!

Says it all really, doesn’t it?

Vote for “change,” it states, just like Chairman Obama's site did!

Oh dear, oh dear!!!!!!!

Please tell your friends not to vote for “change.”

Example: candidate for London Libertas

Susannah Prins

Frustration with the Government’s refusal to honor its manifesto promise of a referendum on the revised constitutional treaty lead Susannah to Open Europe – one of the UK's leading independent think tanks on the EU - where until recently she was Head of Development.

She decided to leave the think tank so that she could join the Libertas campaign full time and throw all of her energies into actively pursuing the reform of the EU. If the Lisbon Treaty is passed, it is self amending. This is our last chance for a Europe which we have a say in.

She worked for an EU think tank - as its head of development!!!


We don’t want a new, better EU!


Libertas is a PRO EU con trick.

They are going to reform the EU ???

Are they? Yeah right!!!

Please don’t give your vote to them.

A vote for this new, less well known pro EU party will be used statistically as a pro EU vote, when they look at voting trends in Britain.

Vote Monster Raving Loony if you have to.

Vote for some local character who wants to save the hospital or the post office.

Some independents are anti EU.

Declan Ganley and Libertas

Declan Ganley is the chief executive of Rivada Networks and leader of Libertas. Libertas is the pro-EU opposition of the EU. Libertas have people up for MEP elections in all nations under the EU. Unlike other parties who have MEPs up for election Libertas is not a national Irish, Czech, Spanish or any other nation party it is a European party, a pro-EU European Party with their headquarters in Brussels. Libertas is also the media’s choice to represent anti-EU opposition against the Lisbon Treaty.

Major clients of Ganely’s business Rivada are the U.S. military and other branches of the U.S Government: “Rivada’s current customers consist of a diverse range of federal, state, and local agencies including USNORTHCOM, the National Guard Bureau, DHS, FEMA, multiple states, and various state and local agencies.” - (Stated on Rivada’s website as of the 26th of May 2009)

taken from:

Irish Daily Mail: Pedophilia and the dark heart of the EU’s parliament *

Wise Up Journal

The following text was printed on page 12 of the Irish Daily Mail newspaper, Monday the 25th of May 2009:

Irish Daily Mail
Monday, May 25th, 2009
By Mary Ellen Synon

The horror at the dark heart of a sordid, arrogant parliament.....(OMG!)

And now the Tories are at it too! "Vote for Change," that's Communitarian "change" and actually means "more of the same" courtesy of Common Purpose!

The Hegelian Dialectic = everything is all back to front & means its opposite - GET IT?

David Cameron speaks at the CBI Conference (Photo credit: Steve Back -

Conservative leader David Cameron today launched our local election campaign and urged people to "vote for change" on 4th June.

Song to the Men of England. (Airstrip One )

Men of England, wherefore plough
For the lords who lay ye low?
Wherefore weave with toil and care
The rich robes your tyrants wear?

Wherefore feed and clothe and save,
From the cradle to the grave,
Those ungrateful drones who would
Drain your sweat -nay, drink your blood?

Wherefore, Bees of England, forge
Many a weapon, chain, and scourge,
That these stingless drones may spoil
The forced produce of your toil?

Have ye leisure, comfort, calm,
Shelter, food, love's gentle balm?
Or what is it ye buy so dear
With your pain and with your fear?

The seed ye sow another reaps;
The wealth ye find another keeps;
The robes ye weave another wears;
The arms ye forge another bears.

Sow seed, -but let no tyrant reap;
Find wealth, -let no imposter heap;
Weave robes, -let not the idle wear;
Forge arms, in your defence to bear.

Shrink to your cellars, holes, and cells;
In halls ye deck another dwells.
Why shake the chains ye wrought? Ye see
The steel ye tempered glance on ye.

With plough and spade and hoe and loom,
Trace your grave, and build your tomb,
And weave your winding-sheet, till fair
England be your sepulchre!

Percy Bysshe Shelley