Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Poppy Day Paradox

Poppies on the Downs at Winton, near Alfriston

Does The Angry Cheese support The British Legion? - Yes.

Do I Support British Servicemen and women, past and present? - Yes, of course.

Am I a patriotic person? - Yes, most definitely.

Do I love my country and my people? - Yes, most definitely.

Have I bought Remembrance Day Poppies this year? - Yes.

Will I wear my poppy with pride? - Possibly not! I am undecided. It remains on my mantle-piece at present. Why?

I believe that The Remembrance Day Service televised by the BBC and broadcast on national radio has become an advert for the British Royal Family and the Establishment and our Ruling Class - the LibLabCon. It anually, very usefully, reinforces their image and our perception of them, as steadfast, reliable, responsible and worthy of our trust and respect.

The Queen however, during the last 10 years , has allowed herself to be used in this very long, drawnout and exremely ugly episode of Britain’s history. The British have been and still are loyal to her but how loyal has she actually been towards us? How much respect do our royals have for us?

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are different. Too many lies and too much deception surround these conflicts. Many people believe we should have no more got involved in them than in the highly suspect Vietnam War that Harold Wilson kept Britain out of - well done that man!

“According to Shirley Williams, a British cabinet member in the late 1960s, Wilson was “personally put under huge pressure by Lyndon Johnson,” who was “very mean” and “very rude” toward the British leader.41 Denis Healey argues that Wilson showed a good deal of courage in resisting U.S. pressure to send troops.42 Ben Pimlott, in his biography of Wilson, says that the prime minister “courageously, persistently and despite the strongest inducements, declined to provide [troops]. Words of support were one thing, British lives another.”43 Peter Shore, a minister in the secondWilson government, told Pimlott that “it is hard to imagine any other Labour leader resisting very strong American pressure so successfully. Enormous efforts were made by the Foreign Ofªce, the Treasury, the Americans to get Britain wholly to identify with the war and express this with a military presence.”44 Wilson’s success in resisting this pressure while maintaining the Atlantic alliance as the core of British security policy required great political skill.” From:

What on earth is going on in Britain nowadays? What is this country becoming?

Why does our Monarch appear to acquiesce to the imposition of the EU on Britain? Does she really think the EU is good? Why? What is going on in her head? And her Successors’?

"The Queen has to be neutral, and she has to sign everything that Parliament puts before her. You don't understand Constitutional Law, and how our country works," so indoctrinated British lawyers and teachers will parrot.

Oh, don't I? Well I do know that she cannot just sign away our freedom and independence, and I also know that any monarch that acts to harm the British People is a traitor to this country! Tyrannical monarchs have had to be dealt in Britain, in the past. Perhaps they might have to be again?

I also know that everything signed by any British politician in relation to the EU has no legal standing, and is totally null and void. These politicians are traitors too.

Turkey wants to join the EU. Why? It is not European is it?

But is Turkey just trying to save itself from our wicked Elite?

Imagine this is a game of chess, Turkey is a pawn. It is in the way, and it needs to be taken by the EU. Its entry into the EU is part of a bigger plan - you have only to look at the map to see what it is likely to be.

Turkey borders Iraq. Iraq has the oil. The Elite want it. Saddam was independent , proud and difficult. He got angry and retaliated when he discovered that Kuwait ( the West ) was tapping Iraq's oilfields with sideways underground drilling, stealing from Iraq! So he had to go. The armed forces of the USA and Britain succeeded, they have completely stolen it, and now Israel is running the massive oilfield that is called Iraq.

Afghanistan has the Heroin, THEY want it to get here. Masses of it, quickly, freely, continuously. Iran blocks the way, so does Turkey. Entry into the EU could be Turkey's only chance to survive intact. If Turkey cannot enter the EU and become completely controlled by it, it is likely to become another Iraq. Look at the state of all the other countries in this region that border Turkey and stand between Afghanistan, Israel and the EU.

Syria = trouble, Lebanon = trouble, Azerbaijan = trouble, Armenia = trouble, Georgia = trouble, Iran = trouble.

Trouble caused by the Western Elite's mercenaries perhaps? Trouble caused by a secret agenda to benefit this Elite few? Trouble caused by our biased, Elite-controlled media?

All this trouble ensures the ongoing blood sacrifice to Satan, of wonderful young people from all races and religions whilst ensuring big, big money for our royals and the political Elite. They love trouble. Conflict, war, horror, death - that's how they get their massive wealth.

The message to Turkey is loud and clear - join us, submit or else...join your neighbours!

Wicked greedy people long ago infiltrated the governments and power networks of Britain, the USA, Europe and Israel, and all THEY want are the oil and heroin revenues.

Resentful, embittered Muslims placed en masse throughout the EU help provide their perfect, useful-idiot, illegal drug trading and distribution network.

Damaging, exploiting, stealing from, cheating and poisoning the cattle ( us ) these are not sins to THE RULING ELITE. THEY are not the decent, respectable upper-class Christians THEY claim to be. We count for nothing, we are nothing to THEM. Turkey's entry into the EU is just another tactic in THEIR oil and drug war game!

The Taliban are anti-drug. The West trained Al Qaida to fight the Russians.

Things in the Middle East are NOT what they seem. Lies have been told. Misconceptions are being spread and encouraged. Ordinary people both here, in Europe, the USA and throughout the Middle East are being used and mislead by truly evil people. The poor troops are caught in the middle of this, they are the cannon fodder, as usual. Even the Princes William and Harry have been cruelly, unwittingly and cynically used by the British Government in a form of Judas Goat role, as publicity to promote this phoney "war of terror," and to encourage the British People to continue to support our Government’s suspect role in the Middle East of sacrificing our bravest, strongest, brightest and best young people to this evil, insane international, money-making crime.,0.jpg

The Rand Corporation is a powerful defence think tank.

"Not surprisingly, RAND is intimately connected to the global elite and the military-industrial-intelligence complex: “The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in its report (Source Watch). Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at a time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of Ford Foundation,” notes SourceWatch

The Rand Corporation is a new World Order Institution, Presided over by James ThomsonCFR-member) , among its administrators are Ann McLaughlin KorologosCFR) and Frank Carlucci (former secretary of defence, president of the Carlyle Group- CFR). ( (former president of the Aspen Institute......

RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs´ (Chatham House´s) most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level."

The Royal Family and the British Establishment have links to corporations like the Carlyle Group and Haliburton who are closely linked to RAND and who make money for their investors from warfare. Yet every November people of privilege solemnly parade around the Cenotaph in a public poppy ceremony to respect our war dead and injured. Hypocritical?

Meanwhile the bloodshed and slaughter continues,

NO. I will NOT wear my poppy with pride.

Brian Gerrish film.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

EU Flag - Satanic Marion Origins

Recently in Strasbourg, Arsene Heitz revealed to a French magazine the reason for his inspiration. According to the artist, he thought of the twelve stars in a circle on a blue background, exactly the way it is represented in traditional iconography of this image of the Immaculate Conception. A devotee of the Virgin Mary, Heitz never misses praying a daily Rosary. Heitz noticed the words of the Apocalypse,

“And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars,”

Revelation 12:1.

As a devout Catholic, he applies this to Mary, whom Catholics worship.

The European Union’s flag consists of twelve stars, inspired by the halo of twelve stars that appear around the Madonna in Catholic pictures of her. And, that is how a profoundly religious symbol came to be the official European Union flag.

A former secretary-general of the Council of Europe, Leon Marchal, affirmed that the stars are those of “the woman of the Apocalypse.

The corona stellarum duodecim (the crown of the twelve stars) of the woman of the Apocalypse. The Catholic Church has always claimed that she represents the Virgin Mary, “the mother of God.”

The European flag is a Catholic flag.

The EU flag is offensive in four ways:

1. a symbol of an alien economic and political power seeking to subjugate Britain and the free nations of Europe.

2. for non-Catholics, as a deceitfully imposed sectarian religious symbol.

3. for Catholics, a misuse of their "sacred" symbol.

4. the rise of the Great Whore of Babylon.

Naïve catholic priest and commentators say everyone is welcome in the Catholic Church. True, but should a publicly unrepentant warmonger and serial deceiver be treated like the common man?

Oh, let’s give him a break, it’s a fresh start. He’s changed now.

Has he though? He has not retired from public life, he is still out there in the world, a powerful man influencing young people at Yale, meeting leaders and financiers around the world, at the UN, etc.

Tony Blair has been prominent in The Fabian Society. If you go back to the origins of the Fabian Society you will find people like Annie Besant, and links to the Theosophist and the Eugenics Movements. It was instrumental in setting up the Labour Party. The original outlook and influence of the Fabian Society remains. The Theosophist and Eugenics movements’ principles directly oppose those of the Roman Catholic Church. Time will tell but Roman Catholic Tony Blair’s Faith Foundation looks, so far, incredibly like Theosophy, and not much like Christianity let alone Catholicism. So what? Theosophy and Eugenics – they’re old-fashioned, what have they got to do with our modern world?

Quite a lot, actually. In fact – EVERYTHING! They are more powerful than ever.

For “Eugenics” read “Bioethics” (genetic engineering, genetic modification, cloning, etc.)

For “Theosophy” read “The New Age” or “The New World Order,” “United Nations.” (a new world banking system?)

Not so antiquated after all, perhaps! October 10/ 08