Recently European Comr. for Agriculture, Dacion Ciolos, has said, "any business that relies upon subsidies (grants, tax breaks) is NOT A REAL BUSINESS." (Oh dear, that's practically every Third Sector set up!)
Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer
""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. " Thomas Jefferson.
from Moriarty’s Police Law. 17th edition, page 202.
Treason means treachery, a betraying or breach of faith and in law denotes the grave crime of treachery towards the Sovereign as head of the State and any betraying of the State itself. Blackstone terms it the highest civil crime which any man can commit…
Question Your Reality

“..How is it possible that so many brilliant minds cannot see past the antithesis to the ultimate synthesis? Obama IS the synthesis, he said all kinds of things during the campaign that were easy to see were communitarian. Left... right... why even use these terms anymore to describe anything that has current political relevancy? Why can't the left or the right see the PERFECT middle? Why is communitarianism still a taboo topic to scholars who so easily break every other taboo?..” Niki Raapana, F.A.Qs on Communitarianism: “…I read until I couldn’t see..” “.. The Global Marshall Plan..” “..Agenda 21..” the reason for all the recent wars
The new politics:- neither left nor right but centre
The Angry Cheese's Philosophy:
New or unusual viewpoints which you have never heard of or come across before need to be considered, thought about and the evidence for them studied, if only briefly. If you are scathingly labelling everything new to you a conspiracy theory and thoughtlessly dismissing it out of hand because of this trendy expression you have recently picked up then you are an IDIOT - a FOOL! And you are behaving very dangerously! You are closing your mind and literally shrinking your brain. You are lazy and you are wasting your God-given intelligence by not stretching it. The human brain needs to be exercised just like the human body. You will stay a stupid, ignorant, immature child your whole life until you die of old age if you do not regularly use your powers of thought, imagination and reasoning. Please,
Open your mind, and try to learn something new every day.
short film: Slavery and the 8 Veils that Blind Us.
The Admitted Trick of the EU
This can be accomplished by successive steps, each diguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversably lead to federation."
Jean Monnet, founding father of the EU. 1943
The french bureaucrat became Societe Generale of The League of Nations - the forerunner of today's EU.
The EU, “A Slow-Motion Coup D’état,” Christopher Booker.
The U.K. is now a POST industrial society, which is just a clever way of saying we're being totally ASSET STRIPPED! Our industrial heart is being ripped out and given to the greedy elite so they can exploit third world people (often children) who will work for a crust, for pennies, for peanuts!
From America. Sound familiar?
A Nation Adrift,
Stop Common Purpose and the EU,
On the surface, Common Purpose is an educational charity which provides leadership and networking development training.
In reality, C P is a corrupt, subversive and sinister organisation which seeks to destroy the national identity of
..Most people have never heard of C P which is strange because C P has corruptly abused millions of pounds of taxpayers' money...
..All Common Purpose "graduates" have been corrupted and are totally untrustworthy…
..It makes me sick that while service men and women are risking their lives in
..I cannot express in words how appalled I am at the actions of Common Purpose and the New Lab government. C P has also infected the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. They cannot be trusted either…
…British governments are elected to govern - not to rule, dictate to and betray their own citizens… NOW READ ON :- SO IT SPREADS :-
Common Purpose - a secretive charity whose training creates a charity to encourage youngsters to set up charities?!
Supported by Deutsche Bank? But paid for with your tax money!
Brian Gerrish meets Alex Jones:
And on Red Ice Radio, Brian Gerrrish:
Common Pupose - Meddling Beyond Ability? Stepford Wives or Wot? Spooky, and so fashionably diverse!
Leading beyond authority can mean acting ultra vires.
Ultra vires is a legal concept. It is Latin for "beyond the powers". It can apply to any body which has rules, such as a charity or a local authority. An ultra vires act is one that is outside the specified and/or implied constitutional objects and powers of the body in question. It is "beyond the powers" and therefore illegal. Meddling Beyond Ability?
It's Really MARXISM
A Russian / Chinese sort of thing......being imposed here in UK

George Orwell's legacy insulted by Plato-esque "Guardian" class
Political language ... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind."
A more appropriate George Orwell Prize:
Socialism's Charm + Communism's Charm =
Soviet Story!
“Lenin” was a wicked tyrant, worse than Ivan the Terrible. “Lenin” was not even his real name! "Trotsky" was not his real name either!
How It Works, Niki Raapana Explains:
Niki Raapana, "Communitarianism is rule by permit only":
'Big Society' Invented by Chinese Communists
Charity - Community - Communitarianism
Niki Raapana:
‘The E.U. is based entirely in supremacy of Communitarian Law.’
‘Amitai Etzioni calls the European Union “a beautiful idea.”’
‘Etzioni defines his belief in peaceful disarmament as Fabian.’
‘Amitai Etzioni means “tree of life from

Keen Communitarian and Etzioni pupil living in the Ivory Tower of Academia is, university lecturer and civil servant Dr. Henry Tam who has been active in influencing for many years, not only the British Government under New Labour but also, Conservative, Liberal and Green policy. See Tam in action:
introduction by Fung 32.34, Tam boasts 33.40. – 44.10.
Henry Tam's "Together We Can" morphed into Obama's
"Yes We Can" = "Thank You Satan"
Facism in the UK being developed NOW:
Tam also pontificates on his blog
Listen to this arrogant, over-educated, sanctimonious person, “Another natural disaster, another prompt to donate money to help those in need. That’s absolutely right. And decent people – i.e., most of the human race minus hate-warped evangelists – respond…” Tuesday, 2 February 2010.
What rubbish! Tam is an arrogant, vicious deceiver who frequently makes scathing judgements and false statements. Who the hell is he to state what is right or wrong in relation to what people choose to donate? And would he care to define what a “hate-warped evangelist” is? Perhaps it is a Christian who objects and questions the warped filth of Communitarianism? Is Tam flakey? He is a liar. “Most of the human race,” did not send money to Haiti relief charities – for a start, only those with access to western technology even heard about it, and only those in “the west” could afford to! And, thanks to Etzioni, Tam and Middleton, etc. a growing number of people in “the west” now do not support or trust ANY CHARITY AT ALL, due to their new found understanding of the total non-accountability, the laissez faire irresponsibility and theft that now exists in the Third (Charity) Sector!
Communitarianism - will take everything from you - even your life!
Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Stiglitz
Ms V and rccoones films (removed from YouTube) Ms V. and rccoones films removed from YouTube may be viewed here.
Sheffield. Common Purpose is riddled through the running of this city, as it is in many others across Britain. Sheffield features very prominently in the latest edition of Brian Gerrish’s paper the UK Column. Here is a local man speaking out in relation to Common Purpose and Sheffield City Council,
WARNING! Qui tacet consentire videtur
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Sleepwalkers' Waltz, Cui Bono?
Two cosmic powers – intelligent good and intelligent evil, personified in God and Lucifer – are locked in a life-and-death struggle for the allegiance of all human beings. That struggle becomes tangible – can be tracked and identified – only in the multiple details of complex human situations. But by the same token, everything tangible, each and every human situation, is coloured by what is transhuman and eternal.
Fr. Malachi Martin. The Jesuits. (1987)
“The most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed….”
Steven Biko. (1946-1977)
The Sleepwalkers' Waltz.
How well are you being looked after? How clean is your hospital? How long is your hospital waiting list? Is your local maternity unit about to close? Too few midwives and health visitors? Ante-natal care cut? Have you been refused medical treatment due to its cost to the NHS?
Or refused home help due to cost to your Local Authority?
How well are your elderly or disabled relatives & neighbours really being cared for? Found a dentist yet? How much longer will health treatment in
Shouldn’t smokers and heavy people be offered large tax and National Insurance rebates to pay for private medical care if our rotten, deceitful government now reneges on the NHS treatment these citizens have contributed towards and been mislead into believing for years they could always rely on?
Once upon a time, the British government took great pride in assuring us that every single person in our country could be assured of the best care from our Social Services and the NHS. Hasn’t life here changed? (1)
Manners, consideration and common courtesy seem to be in drastic decline across the social spectrum, why is this? Alcohol has never been so cheap, are we being encouraged to drown our sorrows? What lesson does this teach our children?
Why has the tv/media become so trivial, crude and un-educational? Audiences laugh while creatures are abused, bugs eaten alive for entertainment? Greedy, uncouth “celebrities” shrieking, cackling and swearing, what will they not do for money? Whatever happened to self-respect and dignity?(2) Where is this crude vulgarity leading us all?
Do you worry about young people and their future? Is your local police force visible and efficient? Do they deserve a decent raise in pay, I think so? As do our long-suffering nurses.
Are you concerned about the neglect of our armed forces in kit, welfare, health, housing and pay? Do the ongoing, massive cutbacks to the Army, Navy and Air Force cause you concern? Are we taking terrible, frightening risks by doing this? For what reason exactly are our precious armed forces really sacrificing their lives in
With wealth and success comes responsibility, doesn’t it? Some may have prospered in
Three dairy farms are closing down in
Are we really being told anything resembling the truth by our mainstream puppet media, whether tv,(9) radio or the press? What news are we not being told, how much and how often is this happening? Why does the British media prioritise tedious sport coverage over the vital issue of our foreign conflicts. What is the actual point of sport? Incidentally, these are heroes (10a) this is not! (10b) What is more newsworthy, over-paid spoiled brats “playing,” or decent young people dying? – and for what?
You are reading this so you may have your own suspicions. How can we stay properly informed?
( By the way, ever heard of “Common Purpose”? look it up! (11) )
Is this right for
How does such a vast, ever-increasing volume of illegal drugs continue to enter our islands without being seized? How inefficient and over-stretched are our Customs and Excise? And how are all these guns getting in? Just how hard are those in authority trying to stop this? Are they trying?
Why are our borders practically open to all and sundry? Why are violent, foreign terrorists and criminals (13) allowed to come here and stay for years drawing state benefits, being housed and taking advantage of our free legal system, set up to assist the genuinely poor, in order to evade justice and deportation through expensive, time-consuming appeal after appeal procedure?
Why are modern judges’ decisions so out of touch with the “man on the street”? Law can only ever be law while it is respected by the majority of the population, law is not law simply because a privileged, elite few think it should be – actually that is tyranny, not law.
What do we stand to lose as we allow European law to take over our country? (14) Common law or common sense, both perhaps? Remember, Cui Bono?
Do you feel safe? (16) Do you feel monitored, observed or spied on? Are you happy with this country or do you feel that something is not right nowadays, that things just do not add up anymore? (17) That life has changed a lot, and not much for the better?
By the way, where exactly is all our hard-earned money going? We, the ordinary majority, have never paid so much or so many taxes, and new ones are always in the pipeline. We are being taxed into the grave here in Britain, so why do we now have disgustingly low standards of elderly and disabled care, disillusioned young doctors, desperate nurses, dangerously dirty hospitals, the closure of maternity units and special schools, increasing gun crime, dangerous railways, decaying waterworks, increased drunkenness and addiction, disenchanted youth, etc?
Why is our wonderful country now a virtual tax-free haven for foreign billionaire gangsters? (18) Arrogant foreigners, buying up multiple London properties and whole swathes of British countryside, wheedling their way into “the establishment” and masquerading as decent; socialising with so-called royalty and gormless sports personalities, with the shallow media drooling all over them. Why are we a safe haven for foreign crooks? Is this healthy?
And why is our expanding class of home-grown, super-rich (19), parasites getting away with contributing so very little? Why should we ordinary people subsidise them?
Because believe me we are, and some!
With all the issues touched upon above, and many more beside, do you trust our three current mainstream political parties, the LibLabCon? Are you confident with their apparent cross-party decision to keep
Money dearly needed to solve our own present, growing problems and the many, many more to come in the future. Do we REALLY want to pay this, more and more and more?
What will life be like here for our children and the future generations? Who cares? (20)
A few million pounds, ten million for example could save your threatened hospital ward, a few billion could improve our care homes nationwide. For example, it would cost hundreds of millions to build a flood defence wall around Tewkesbury (badly hit by recent flooding) - we as a country cannot possibly afford to do this apparently but, do you know that
WHY is
WHERE exactly is all of this money going?
WHO is benefiting from the neglect of our country, especially our most vulnerable citizens? HOW has this been allowed?
WHAT is the real purpose of this madness? Aren’t you just a little curious?
All of the BILLIONS that we are missing, BILLIONS we no longer have to help our people, BILLIONS we have not had for years now due to paying it all into the E.U, could have solved most of our problems like those above, in fact EU membership is the cause of most them.
Wake Up!
The British Government is currently, and has been for many years, GIVING AWAY OUR COUNTRY’S WEALTH to the insatiably greedy, all-consuming, virtually non-accountable EU giant, which gets more wild, more vast and demanding with every passing day.
Forget paltry EU grants and subsidies, since when has
We have foolishly allowed the predatory EU to slink into our country and gain total control of our bakery, now we are getting just a few crusts and crumbs tossed back in return.
Are we beggars now? Is it not a disgrace, is it not shameful? This is no way to run
Our formerly reliable public services are being deliberately starved and disrupted so that, once they get in trouble, a privatised scheme can be introduced. In effect, they are being flogged off cheap, aren’t they? To dodgy corporations, usually based abroad.
Is it possible that those behind the devious, militant pawns who have been destroying our public industries and services since the 70’s, leading to their ruin and downfall, are now becoming hugely wealthy from these privatisations?
Public-Private Partnerships = We are being Shafted! (22)
All 3 main political parties, “New Labour”(actually the British Fabian Government!)(23), the Conservatives and Liberals, seem committed to the EU and appear intent on continuing to keep us in it, tying us in even more, giving it more power over us as time passes. Why?
Other parties like the Scottish Nationalists, Green Party, Socialists, etc. do not seem to have leaving the EU high on their political agenda, but perhaps see themselves as negotiating within the EU from their own standpoint once in power.
Has everyone gone completely insane? Or is it a brain-eating virus?
Is this a horrible nightmare? Or are we all really so totally gullible and pathetic?
Think! How dangerous is it to place ultimate power over our lives, and those of our families, friends and neighbours, in a monstrous system, run by overpaid “servants” who are becoming pompous little gods, answering to nobody but each other and their own hugely inflated egos?
Hans Christian Andersen (24) wrote “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” and it is relevant here because Great Britain has become sadly deluded by sycophantic, political lackeys too steeped in their own greed or too cowardly to admit the truth, wringing their greasy hands and saying,
“Oh, how wonderfully the E.U. suits
Well, as the small boy said – "No, it is not! It is obscene! It is all lies!"
Surely the time has now come for YOU, the public, who are paying for this lunacy, this idiocy, to wake up to this bull***t. EU membership is bad for
In the past, we have been frightened by the “business community” into believing that we need to be and must be in the EU in order to trade. Actually it is perfectly possible for British business to engage in trade whilst outside the EU. We have done exactly that for centuries.
Anyway, what has the wonderful EU done for British businesses so far into this crazy experiment? Most are closing down, going bankrupt, being acquired by questionable, foreign companies and corporations, or outsourcing work around the world to slave labour in order to survive! Totally Shameful!
There is no real, long-term advantage in EU membership for we, the ordinary people, is there? Could it be that we are all being duped? (26)
There is still time to stop this, before we merge our currency and armed forces with
And by the way, being half in and half out of the EU as we are at present-while parting with all this money, is bonkers too! Please wake up to this utter insanity. Remember, Cui bono?
After all, our government are your servants, these people are supposed to serve you, and your best interests, to care for you, your loved ones and every other poor soul in these islands. That is their job – full-stop!
They are supposed to always put you and your interests first, not last!
The government has no money of its own, it only has your money. Members of Parliament are accountable to you.
By the way, you are paying them far too much and they are not sufficiently thankful, humble, hardworking, honest or honourable! Their heads are too big, do they think they are royalty? (27) Isn’t one queen enough?
With all their perks (like 90-odd days off a year!) privileges, pension schemes and cushy expense allowances, on top of a hefty wage, politics has now become a lucrative career move, and a leg up to higher positions (28), rather than the opportunity to merely serve.
Ministers suck up to the “filthy rich”(29), they have admitted it! While the poor public that they miserably fail, struggle.
Remember the pigs in Animal Farm(a)? Few porkers - sorry I mean politicians, nowadays appear to have ever worked in the “real world,(b)” and next to none have ever sacrificed for or served this land, eg. in the forces.(30) Is politics in
And then, there is the creepy form of nepotism which seems to permeate British politics and public life, with multiple generations and multiple members of “connected” families supposedly “serving” us!(32)
A separate cross-party “Political Class” now appears to have evolved(c). Check MPs’ and Ministers’ backgrounds, online for example. Pick a weirdo, there are enough of them, and see what you find out! It has become a racket! Dodgy MPs do not even pay council tax on their multiple homes like you or I would have to! Why not?
They frequently award themselves multiple/sizable pay increases out of YOUR money!
When did you last get a decent pay rise?
Perhaps it is time MP’s wages and privileges were massively cut back!
Should they not serve, more out of duty than for wealth? After all, they do much less work in Parliament now because our pro-EU government is in the process of effectively shifting their own elected responsibilities, “their work,” onto a bunch of strangers in Brussels- whom we mostly do not know, who are not elected or answerable to us. Remember, Cui Bono?
It is open house here in
What is going on here? Why are we are allowing this? The poor British People are being robbed blind. Are you angry yet?
And the church?(33) The Christian ethos of caring, respect, forgiveness, help and kindness - the base and heart of our civilisation(34), is rapidly and deliberately being erased. The church is now weak.
And religion plays no part in the EU. It worships at the morally corrupt, filthy altar of hatred, elitism, power, control, greed and falsehood.(35)
Aren’t you furious with falling standards, don’t you feel that things need to change fast and that the EU is utter c**p? Please find organisations that oppose the EU and represent sanity! We are entitled to solve our own problems and deal with our own issues with our own ingenuity, strength and effort. That is what we British are good at, it is our history and tradition.
We have, as a nation, made a huge mistake in recent years by becoming more and more enmeshed in the EU but this need not be fatal, we can all learn from it. There is no shame in breaking free and changing course, while we still can!
Look around you, the majority of ordinary British (black, white, old, young, etc.) tend to fall into two main groups, and both of these groups make it conveniently easy for our conniving EU-mad government to control us.
Because we are tired, confused and anxious, we are vulnerable to being taken advantage of! We are being controlled but it is hard for us to recognise it. Think about it because it is true!
In recent years, employment has become precious, we will do anything to keep our jobs.
We, in
Wages are not brilliant now either. And you are constantly afraid, how will you cope, what will happen if you lose your job? So you do all those extra hours, most
Then there is the other group, the ones who are unemployed. There is no work for them but the government loves to make them feel bad about themselves anyway. So, the unemployed, the old and sick are intentionally provoked and irritated by the authorities’ policies, payments are deliberately held up in order to cause stress, you have to keep re-applying, you have to queue, you have to wait, you get sent on basic, often ineffective, training courses. Many give up in despair. All this pressure causes strife and leads to divorce and family break-down. Poor, struggling parents are made to feel guilty about having and looking after their own precious children! Once long ago, being married and having children was considered a blessing not a crime or a curse. Does the EU seem to want us sad, lonely and alienated from our families?
And these new vaccines and tranquilisers for children? (36)
Either way, the government and the establishment have a deliberate policy of causing, to the working and middle classes - the majority of the British, incredible and contrived fatigue, stress, and the misery of uncertainty. Can you see a pattern emerging here? There’s more.
Unhelpfully, disillusioned young people are continuously targeted by the media which subconsciously encourages them to take comfort, not from inspirational art/books, hobbies, religion, from educating and improving themselves, but from empty distractions like tattoos/piercing, alchohol, dirt cheap recreational drugs, “bling” and “designer fashion”, industrialised music, psychologically desensitising video games and the wave of grotesque internet imagery piped into our homes.(37)
A modern variation of an ancient policy is happening here, the Roman Elite practised it. It is called “Bread and Circuses (38).”
This is how our Elite are shutting us up so they can carry on robbing us.
They keep us just stressed out enough so that we are easily diverted by the relentless, dodgy rubbish churned out by the establishment media/entertainment industries, “Something to tame the bewildered herd….(39,d)”
These diversions provide camouflage from the gradual at first - but now more rapid, moral decline that is going on around us.
Too often now tv projects and reflects into our homes the lowest levels of language and behaviour, presenting this as “ok”. But is it really ok?
Impressionable people, especially the young, clearly are influenced in this way. Why else would broadcasters bother? Remember, huge sums of money are involved. Cui bono?
An air of hopeless inevitability and apathy is being subtly promoted. Our governing Elite do not want us to get angry and start trying to stop them.
The modern media, especially over the last 25 years, has become their tool deliberately designed to shut us up and keep us docile. It is working very well.
From our Greek ancestors we have another aspect of their tactics in “Divide and Rule(40)”
Look these up for yourself and compare them to modern life. There is nothing new really, it has all been done before in history.
European Human Rights legislation encourages us to fight each other over the crumbs, suing each other for not being “politically correct”(41) pitching one cause against another. Groups or individuals squabble over petty issues like ferrets in a sack. The Elite-owned media then whip it all up into a brush fire. The Government can then quickly “bury their bad news” while the rest of us are troubled and preoccupied by the various commotions. It is all by design, carefully planned, and most of us innocently fall for it, time and time again.
The scourge of “political correctness”-(Cultural Marxism of the
Would we talk like this at home, at work or in company? No. It’s totally phoney!
It is all done to a formula, presenters are trained to learn this attitude and behaviour, they practice it until it eventually becomes almost part of their character. They are trained to speak or write in this aggressive, hectoring way: ridiculing, abusing and, most important of all, - intimidating and silencing interviewees.
Or else you get the syrupy, patronising, bogus-nursery teacher routine where the interviewee is talked down to as if they were a little child, or have learning difficulties! Clearly a great many, if not most, journalists and news presenters are actually government agents. Some are probably too stupid to realise it though!
Do you know that government agents patrol the Internet in huge numbers too?(44)
Not just observing but joining in blogs, chat rooms, emailing and befriending - spying all over the Net! Most Internet Trolls are government paid to sabotage genuine debate and conversation, to quash ideas and enthusiasm and, of course, to report!
Is there any genuine debate in our media anymore? No, just soundbites, lies and spin(see52)?
Has there been a useful, civilised, adult, public discussion in the mainstream media, on any serious subject in this country recently? No, not for more than 20 years. We all bite our tongues and stay silent in frustration, but we mutter in private. Greedy lawyers might ruin us if we say the “wrong thing”, so freedom of speech and open discussion of serious issues hardly exist now! How utterly pathetic have we become by putting up with all this? We should all be saying what we damn well like! Remember, Cui Bono?
The dogged few still striving for change have little effect because there are too many pressure groups and issues dividing society these days. We are not standing back together, taking a long, hard look at our country’s state as a whole. We are not working together for real progress and prosperity for all. This is exactly what the Global Unionists want.
The EU is being developed to be a corrupt part of the universally most perverse, evil institution that has ever existed (45) - the eventual one world government designed for one purpose only, total control. To control every last penny we have and bring us all down!
European governments do not issue the Euro!(46) So who does?
Fact: The
Fact: The Asian Union and Pacific Unions are set to follow.
All of this has been planned for decades by the secret criminal cartel who create all our currency and credit cards to enrich themselves alone, and who are quite content especially if this also means the rest of us starve and die horribly. You will not learn about any of this from our stagnant, manipulated media because the same evil cartel owns it entirely, controlling exactly what you are allowed to know!(47)
We need to be aware that the people responsible for the creation of the EU, and the eventual one world government that it will lead to, through the United Nations, are vicious killers!
And have already murdered in cold blood over 200 million people in the 20th century;
that is mass death, worldwide, on a scale never before seen on our planet!
And that is not including the multiple millions of beautiful, innocent children killed by the global abortion industry.
From and including the French Revolution onwards, all mass killings including all wars everywhere, plus all economic depressions (deliberately designed and planned) with the resulting suicides and mass starvations, have actually been for one ruthless purpose, to gradually transfer all wealth and all power to a small number of influential, inbred families/clans, while their arrogant, treacherous offspring and cunning, brainwashed, malleable, useful-idiot followers slyly manoeuvre themselves into positions of power. They are selfish, heartless, inbred psychopaths and, make no mistake, they absolutely DESPISE you all! We, the ordinary majority, are actually in great peril but most of us do not realise it.
At the heart of the UN lies, - what exactly(48)?
British mainstream politics has no genuine people in it these days, just wicked ones! Do they inspire you(49)? Do they have an exciting, positive, new vision or respect for our traditions?
Are they even free to be sincere or are they constrained to play-acting a role like manipulated puppets? Think about what is happening to our country now that we are becoming more closely aligned with
See what you can find out about these organisations, - good luck!
Youths stab each other, so-called “happy slappings,” cameras everywhere - more planned, in the street, shopping centres, schools, at work, on campus, in your car, toll roads, traffic zones, speed cameras? Lamp posts that shout at us and tell us what to do? An amusing novelty now, but think about it! This system of surveillance, once installed across the country, can be used in the years ahead in truly sinister ways. ID cards, bar codes, micro-chipping, etc!
You surely cannot believe that this is all for our own good? This is Stalin’s dream coming true, isn’t it ?(52) Are we digging our own graves here? Remember, Cui Bono?
The EU and the UN(53) are very busy now designing and promoting new environmental taxes, where will all that money be going? No mention of that yet, hmmm… 3 guesses!
How many birds, whales or woodlands will be saved? Will the rivers, air and the sea be any cleaner?
Has it occurred to ordinary Britons that the new environmental taxes are just a replacement for the tobacco tax that will be lost once most of us have given up smoking? It is a hyped-up con!
How often have we joked that the government would tax the very air we breathe if they could? Well actually, to a certain extent with the tobacco tax, they have been taxing the breath of a large number of us for decades.
HELLO – now they are about to tax us ALL for every breath!
The carbon tax is a crafty con-trick, to tax air! To tax your breath!
It is so beautifully evil and we are all so supine and naive! World governments have worked out a way to con us all into paying for ordinary air!
In other words, we will be taxed on nothing! Ha ha ha ha!
Naturally, it is an EU priority issue, and a top UN initiative. It will rake in wealth for the evil few in authority like never before, giving them even more power over us.
Our environment will get no cleaner of course, in fact it will get more polluted and more “dangerous” so you’ll need to pay more and more and more as time passes. Cui Bono?
Over-paid, traitorous “environmental” Celebrity Skunks will be prattling on about nothing else in the mainstream media for years to come until you accept the principle! Heaping the guilt on us all so we pay up and are grateful. Making it cool, hip and trendy to “care” about the planet! Celebrity Scumbags will say anything they are paid to! Are you already falling for this scam?
Pollution and extreme weather issues are being cruelly manipulated by our deceitful government purely for the financial gain of the merciless, clandestine elite who are the ones really responsible for the damage ! And who really do not care at all!
Why not do some investigating of your own, read some scientific research? Serious factors that do have an effect on our atmosphere and environment are not being openly discussed, shouldn't we know more about these? (54)
Ever heard of Operation Argus, Operation Starfish, HAARP, scalar weaponry, weather control experiments, the chem.trail/contrail debate? In the last 60 years government programs across the world have shot our upper atmosphere with mega-tonnes of radiation to deliberately destroy the Van Allen Belts (nature’s radiation shield) just to see what happens?!!!
Dangerous, poisonous chemicals are being released for ongoing attempts at weather control. Germs and viruses are being released into the air, and HAARP is suspected by many of literally boiling the upper atmosphere as we speak! Some believe this to be behind recent incidents of disruption to insect and bird migrational activity, and the beaching of entire pods of whales and dolphins.
Read what you can about the use of depleted uranium (DU) in weapons technology, and what it does to our environment. Truly sick, and potentially fatal for all of us!
These are policies from the same governments (maniacs) that will regulate genetic engineering, robotics and the nanotechnologies in development now! And we think Aids is bad!
Yet, according to “the media” and selected “experts”, global warming is apparently all our fault for using hairspray, driving cars and letting cows burp and fart!
And we need to be punished for that with more taxes and restrictions! But then why is Mars heating up? Is that our fault too?
Please check these facts or, alternatively, you can just keep on paying these crooks like you’ve been trained to! Passive and obedient like good little pets! Ah, cute little Epsilons! (e)
Our EU-riddled government does not respect or value us. They keep our peoples’ spirits low, keep us jumping through their exhausting, exasperating hoops. They are just fleecing us and making sure we shut up so they can carry on doing so! It is deeply insulting, it is evil! But, perhaps it is what we all deserve, to be ground into the dirt, our punishment for being so dumb, trusting, and intellectually lazy. Well?
Please, whatever your background, age, race or political persuasion, I know you are stressed out and busy but make the time and take the trouble to investigate the true nature of the EU for yourself. Then seek out individuals and organisations who believe that joining the E.U. has been a massive error of judgement and that staying in
We have all become very selfish, apathetic and neglectful recently. We need to love our country once again and start caring for it and each other, better than we have been.
Running away to retirement in a villa in
Besides, this is a global problem, there is trouble brewing in
And simply paying more to
Ignorance generally, on the part of most British citizens in relation to EU matters, is a huge problem and is the Europhiles’ greatest asset. No insult to the British people is intended here because the various treaties and issues concerning the EU have been intentionally presented to us all by
How very, very, very convenient! Remember, Cui Bono?
But we badly need to leave the EU. Fortunately, there are now anti-EU pressure groups whose members have had time to study the politics of the EU and can discuss and explain these vital issues in the sensible, intelligent language that the government/media never uses. We will only get either baby-talk, pompous legalese or cunningly phrased doublespeak(55) from them, with the intention to frustrate us and make us back-off and give in!
( If it makes no sense then that is exactly what it is – nonsense ! )
Please wake up now, we need immediate action. Even if you are not living in
Our ancestors have sacrificed and died for the freedom of these islands and for us, the people who belong here. We owe it to them, ourselves, our young people, their children and their future.
To Be Continued..........
Money Masters, Debt Slaves.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Online Bibliography. All freely available in the public domain and/or online for you to view. As in a school essay, none of these individual references are directly involved or associated in any way with views expressed. They simply support an aspect or point made, and are a suggested starting place if you want to further follow-up on a particular subject for yourself. Happy surfing!
You Tube - Jackie Mason, video blog 18 - May 6th 2007 - Paris Hilton; A Pathetic Yenta.
You Tube: I’m A Celeb Get Me Out Of Here – Bug Eating Part 1
4) Google video, The Empire of The City (World Superstate)
or, to use the popular slang expression, "just follow the money."
Google Video search: Frankensteer – The Passionate Eye.
8) scroll down to Dr. Alan Kapular (Dr. Mushroom)
yahoo: Defra should hang it’s head in Shame. Telegraph uk
11) You tube: Common Purpose, the Unseen Invasion- Brian Gerrish.
15) 1/25 Let them eat Chad
Google Video: 2004 Rigged Election Proof (America Freedom to Fascism)
“The true inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings”
Google Video: Illuminati Vol. 2 The Antichrist Conspiracy DVD, Part 2
18) (see above no.s 3 - heroin, and 12 - daily kos)
22) This criticism is appropriate to Britain but where is our Bernie Sanders?
Google video, - Thom Yorke The Eraser Harrowdown Hill
26) Google search: Why Britain HAS to leave the corrupt, undemocratic EU! & The Big Blue Octopus. Google Video search – The Real Face of the European Union.
28) Google video, search- The Iron Triangle-Carlyle Group Exposed
Yahoo search: The rise of the sleaze-ocrats Peter Oborne
29) Search: Michael Meacher, Why I want to be Prime Minister.
30) Peter Oborne on the Political Class.
Google search: Putin Aide: “Miliband’s hatred for Russia runs in family” 22nd January 2008, the Milibands and Benn on how you have been deceived over the EU referendum.
33) Archbishop or Arch-heretic?
Google video:
You Tube: HPV virus Give your little girl VACCINE if you are stupid
37) see: “ They Sold Their Souls For Rock N Roll ” also
39) Electorial Mischief and the Bewildered Herd, M.I. Niman, Getting a Grip
Jackie Mason: video blog 29, Hilton and Lohan; Oh the Insanity.
40) Divide and Rule.
41) Politically Correct.
42) (activities)
43) You Tube, Panel Discussion about Nancy Grace.
44) Google video The European Union – the New Soviet?
(a "bourse" is a non english-speaking money market)
Google search: The Creation of the Global Union **** a must see
You Tube: Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 4 of 5) also Google video:
The Empire of “The City,” Parts 1 and 2.
49) How a real statesman sounds LaRouche Webcast March 7th “Implications of the Gore Hoax for International Policy.”
June 20th Webcast “BAE: The World’s biggest Loose End.”
Unfortunately, all we have is this
50) Prison Planet archive, bilderberg,
52) The Age of Totalitarianism
YouTube: New Big Dog Video from Boston Dynamics.
YouTube: Metal Storm DSTO MST Declassified.
You Tube – Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 5 of 5)
Google Video: Nick Nack Paddy Whacked ( also on You Tube, etc )
Google Video: Megiddo 2 part3/03 the New Age
Google Video: HAARP Holes in Heaven
Google Video: HAARP / Chemtrails & Freeman
Book References:
a) Animal Farm, George Orwell. (1945)
b) Lying in State, Tim Slessor. Page 10. (Aurum Press 2004)
(Originally published as "Ministries of Deception.")
c) Public Opinion, Walter Lippmann. (1922)
d) The Triumph of the Political Class, Peter Oborne. (2007)
e) Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. (1932)
Safety and Infiltration Avoidance
1) Beware of all strangers. Historically resistance to tyrants has taken the form of small autonomous groups whose members know and trust one another from long experience. These groups are then united by common interest, common goals and common literature. But a strict heirarchy will soon be broken by the tyrants' agents.
2) Beware of the man who is "too perfect." He says all the right things, he needs little persuasion and he supplies money. The wealthy are usually in bed with the tyrant and they are the last to oppose despotism.
3) Be doubly aware of a stranger who proposes illegal activities. You will soon find him testifying against you in court.
4) Beware of those who draw cheques from the enemy. They are very likely to have divided loyalties. It is very difficult for a man to destroy the beast from whose teats he sucks.
5) Avoid drunks, drug users and anyone of unstable character. Always chose quality over quantity.
6) Recognize the media’s tactics and do not react to buzz words. Religious groups, tax resistors, so-called ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ and other groups are called cultists, bigots, Nazis and other words which the masses are conditioned to hate. After the media have demonized a target, as in Waco, 911 or 7/7, Governments are free to murder at will. Ask yourself, "Is it wrong for people to preserve their freedom and individual rights, or to resist oppressive taxation?"
7) Avoid sensitive discussion on the telephone, and use discretion when inviting someone to your home.
8) Beware of someone whose intellect, education and background appear different from those with whom he attempts to associate. Most people inter-relate with others of the same interests or background.
9) Investigate. Do a little investigation. The Elite can create good cover. But they seldom bother because up to now resistance groups have almost never checked their associates’ backgrounds.
10) Recognize the ruthlessness of the tyrants and act accordingly. A government which will mass murder women and children is not going to play "fair" with you!
You must recognize the scope and age of the One World Government conspiracy. It is coded in the Great Seal of The United States which is over 200 years old, and is coded in other devices –currency notes for example, and places much older. They intend to have their One World Government with one universal humanist religion, one worldwide economic system, one heavily monitored and designed ‘culture’ and absolute control over every human being. The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women will submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
A Tropical view? No! An English shoreline.
Find Madeleine and Ben, missing in the E.U. Blackhole - along with all our billions!
Beneath the bulls**t- the veneer of villas, cocktails, designer clothes and jet skis, half of Europe- Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria etc. still live in the Dark Ages - along with their dodgy police, their various bent judiciaries and institutions. Look at my first entry under 'Shock and Awe,' 'The EU's Starving Children.' Everything is fine visiting or moving to these countries- as long as they're getting your money, but when things go wrong or problems crop up, that is when you will learn just how "modern" these cesspits really are! And when you'll realise just how much they really like British people! I strongly advise parents not to go to dumps like Paedugal, and try Skegness, Blackpool or Bognor Regis instead. Our seasides are safer and much more fun! Our weather? Aren't we worshipping & sacrificing to the Sun just a little too much?
Yes, they are volunteers but they are not tin soldiers in a child's game. They are not disposable, so stop treating them as such! Obama and Cameron are LIARS!
We ordinary British still have not had the full reasons and the real need for these conflicts thousands of miles away fully explained to us.
Am I alone in feeling that this rotten Government and the depraved Elite of this country actually want the brightest, bravest and best of our young people - dead, or disabled?
You are taking our forces for granted, abusing their patriotism, honour and loyalty, Mr Cameron, just like your evil predecessors Blair and Brown. Your whole lives' work amounts to a huge rubbish heap scattered with the bones of the innocent. You are all failures and will all be remembered as bad prime ministers. You and your sick colleagues are all cursed, and far beyond redemption. Are you afraid? I would be. God has a special place for wicked scum like you - empty and eternal! By the way, what sacrifices did you and your colleagues make for
Now let's see how you conducted yourselves as young men....

YOUNG PEOPLE OF BRITAIN - I LOVE YOU ALL. DO NOT DIE FOR LIES AND GREED, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THE RISK. War is not glamorous or an exciting adventure, it is death, destruction and hatred.
If you want a real noble cause to fight for then consider volunteering to aid and protect Middle East Christians and fight against the wicked ISIS plague.
“Tenderly bury your fair young dead,
Place a wooden cross at their head’
All the words you can say have been said,
It is for you my tears are shed.”
The Power of Nightmares, The Fantasy of Fear:

Online Sociopaths (psychopaths)
Offenders who are particularly pernicious in their smear campaigns are often narcissists at best or sociopaths at worst, if your case meets this criteria it is important that you understand what makes them tick.
Portofino, Sheffield UK

Portofino, Sheffield's best restaurant by far, has re-opened, Hooray!
Portofino Italian Restaurant, 617 London Road, Sheffield. 0114 255 5655. Opening times 5.30pm to 11pm Tuesday to Sunday. YUMMY!Common Purpose "graduates" breach The Seven Principles of Public Life
All Common Purpose "graduates" have been corrupted and are totally untrustworthy. Some of these "graduates" are "useful idiots" who do not realise just how evil Common Purpose is. Those Common Purpose "graduates" who are public servants breach ALL the Seven Principles of Public Life as set out by the Committee on Standards in Public Life.
The Seven Principles of Public Life
The Committee has set out 'Seven Principles of Public Life' which it believes should apply to all in the public service. These are:
1) Selflessness
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves, their family or their friends.
However: People become Common Purpose "graduates" for career advancement and to be part of a secret, Masonic-like society for careerists. This is not the action of a selfless person.
2) Integrity
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
However: Being part of the Common Purpose network brings those in public service under pressure to do favours for other Common Purpose "graduates". The lack of integrity and probity of Common Purpose police officers is particularly disturbing.
3) Objectivity
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
However: Being part of the Common Purpose network will bring them under pressure to do favours for other Common Purpose "graduates" rather than to act impartially and objectively.
4) Accountability
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
However: There is a strong resistance amongst Common Purpose "graduates" towards giving out details of their Common Purpose membership and the activities they engage in. Common Purpose itself operates according to the Chatham House rules which effectively means that meetings are held in secret with no agenda, records or accountability. Fish rots from the head.
5) Openness
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
However: There is a strong resistance amongst Common Purpose "graduates" in public office towards giving out details of their Common Purpose membership and the activities they engage in. Common Purpose itself operates according to the Chatham House rules which effectively mean that meetings are held in secret with no agenda, records or accountability. Hardly a recipe for "Open Government".
6) Honesty
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
However: Many Common Purpose "graduates" in public service deliberately hide their membership of Common Purpose. This leaves them open to accusations of dishonesty, corruption, favouritism and under-the-counter dealings.
7) Leadership
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
However: Common Purpose "graduates" are incapable of leading by example because those people who have found out what they are up to do not trust them at all.
Does This Sound Familiar?
Massive sums of public money funnelled through philanthropic charitable foundations and think-tanks to fund huge psy-ops……..sound familiar?
'An unparalleled amount of power is concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked by the people; unlike the power of churches, it is unchecked by any firmly established canons of value.'
(page viii) Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Rene A Wormser 1958.
Who Paid The Piper? by Frances Stonor Saunders, 1999.;col1
In The Last Perilous Times....
This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, highminded, ever learning, yet never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, made to be taken and destroyed, speaking evil of the things that they understand not; Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated by all nations for My name's sake: And they will not repent from their demonic worship, or their idols, neither are they going to repent of their murders, nor of their Sorceries and magic, or their worship of Satan.
1Timothy 4:1,3; 2Peter 3:3-5; 2Timothy 3:1-7; 2Peter 2:10,12; Matthew 24:9; Revelation 9:20-21
TYRANNY. Plato's Republic 344a-c, H.D.P. Lee translation
But when a man succeeds in robbing the whole body of citizens and reducing them to slavery, they forget these ugly names and call him happy and fortunate, as do all others who hear of his unmitigated wrongdoing. "